Nature and society: anthropological perspectives P Descola, G Pálsson Taylor & Francis, 1996 | 1440 | 1996 |
Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene: Integrating the social sciences and humanities in global environmental change research G Palsson, B Szerszynski, S Sörlin, J Marks, B Avril, C Crumley, ... Environmental science & policy 28, 3-13, 2013 | 632 | 2013 |
Biosocial becomings: integrating social and biological anthropology T Ingold, G Palsson Cambridge University Press, 2013 | 546 | 2013 |
Enskilment at sea G Pálsson Man, 901-927, 1994 | 471 | 1994 |
Naturaleza y sociedad: perspectivas antropológicas T Ingold, G Pálsson Siglo xxi, 2001 | 449 | 2001 |
Human-environmental relations: orientalism, paternalism and communalism G Pálsson Nature and society, 73-91, 2003 | 325 | 2003 |
Coastal economies, cultural accounts: human ecology and Icelandic discourse G Pálsson Manchester University Press, 1994 | 282 | 1994 |
Figuring fish and measuring men: the individual transferable quota system in the Icelandic cod fishery G Pálsson, A Helgason Ocean & Coastal Management 28 (1-3), 117-146, 1995 | 240 | 1995 |
Anthropology and the new genetics G Pálsson Cambridge University Press, 2007 | 220 | 2007 |
Beyond boundaries: understanding, translation and anthropological discourse G Pálsson Berg, 1994 | 200* | 1994 |
Ownership at sea: fishing territories and access to sea resources EP Durrenberger, G Pálsson American ethnologist 14 (3), 508-522, 1987 | 178 | 1987 |
Iceland: the case of a national human genome project G Pálsson, P Rabinow Anthropology today 15 (5), 14-18, 1999 | 175 | 1999 |
Naturaleza y sociedad P Descola, G Pálsson Perspectivas antropológicas. Siglo Veintiuno Editores, México, 2001 | 162 | 2001 |
mtDNA variation in Inuit populations of Greenland and Canada: migration history and population structure A Helgason, G Pálsson, HS Pedersen, E Angulalik, ED Gunnarsdóttir, ... American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2006 | 136 | 2006 |
For whom the cell tolls: debates about biomedicine G Plsson, KE Harardttir Current Anthropology 43 (2), 271-301, 2002 | 134 | 2002 |
Contested commodities: the moral landscape of modernist regimes A Helgason, G Pálsson Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 451-471, 1997 | 132 | 1997 |
The textual life of savants: Ethnography, Iceland, and the linguistic turn G Pálsson Routledge, 2013 | 126 | 2013 |
To dream of fish: the causes of Icelandic skippers' fishing success G Pálsson, P Durrenberger Journal of Anthropological Research 38 (2), 227-242, 1982 | 120 | 1982 |
Relaciones humano-ambientales. Orientalismo, paternalismo y comunalismo G Pálsson Naturaleza y sociedad. Perspectivas antropológicas, 80-100, 2001 | 119 | 2001 |
Learning by fishing: practical engagement and environmental concerns G Palsson Linking social and ecological systems: Management practices and social …, 1998 | 107 | 1998 |