Anniken Furberg
Anniken Furberg
Professor, Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo
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What does professional digital competence mean in teacher education?
A Lund, A Furberg, J Bakken, KL Engelien
Nordic journal of digital literacy 9 (4), 280-298, 2014
Med ARK&APP. Bruk av læremidler og ressurser for læring på tvers av arbeidsformer
Ø Gilje, L Ingulfsen, JA Dolonen, A Furberg, I Rasmussen, A Kluge, ...
Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo, 2016
Students' meaning‐making of socio‐scientific issues in computer mediated settings: exploring learning through interaction trajectories
A Furberg, S Ludvigsen
International Journal of Science Education 30 (13), 1775-1799, 2008
Student sensemaking with science diagrams in a computer-based setting
A Furberg, A Kluge, S Ludvigsen
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 8, 41-64, 2013
Teacher support in computer-supported lab work: Bridging the gap between lab experiments and students’ conceptual understanding
A Furberg
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 11, 89-113, 2016
Socio‐cultural aspects of prompting student reflection in Web‐based inquiry learning environments
A Furberg
Journal of computer assisted learning 25 (4), 397-409, 2009
Reconsidering conceptual change from a socio-cultural perspective: Analyzing students’ meaning making in genetics in collaborative learning activities
A Furberg, HC Arnseth
Cultural Studies of Science Education 4 (1), 157-191, 2009
Expanding and embedding digital literacies: Transformative agency in education
A Lund, A Furberg, GB Gudmundsdottir
Media and Communication 7 (2), 47-58, 2019
Exploring teacher intervention in the intersection of digital resources, peer collaboration, and instructional design
TA Strømme, A Furberg
Science Education 99 (5), 837-862, 2015
Med Ark&App
Ø Gilje, L Ingulfsen, JA Dolonen, A Furberg, I Rasmussen, A Kluge, ...
Bruk av læremidler og ressurser for læring på tvers av arbeidsformer, 2016
En profesjonsfaglig digitalt kompetent lærer? Muligheter og utfordringer i teknologirike læringsomgivelser
AL Furberg, A Lund, RJ Krumsvik
Digital læring i skole og lærerutdanning 2, 26-48, 2016
Students’ engagement with real-time graphs in CSCL settings: Scrutinizing the role of teacher support
L Ingulfsen, A Furberg, TA Strømme
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 13 (4 …, 2018
Exploring student reasoning and representation construction in school science through the lenses of social semiotics and interaction analysis
E Knain, T Fredlund, A Furberg
Research in Science Education 51 (1), 93-111, 2021
Invoking student resources in whole-class conversations in science education: A sociocultural perspective
A Furberg, K Silseth
Journal of the Learning Sciences 31 (2), 278-316, 2022
Representing to learn in science education: Theoretical framework and analytical approaches
E Knain, T Fredlund, AL Furberg, K Mathiassen, KB Remmen, ...
Acta Didactica Norge-tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings-og …, 2017
Faktaorientering og forståelsesorientering i elevers bruk av nettbaserte læringsomgivelser. I TE Hauge & A. Lund (Red.)
A Furberg, I Rasmussen
Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen, 57, 2012
Scientific inquiry in web-based learning environments: Exploring technological, epistemic and institutional aspects of students’ meaning making
A Furberg
New artifacts–new practices: Putting mobile literacies into focus
A Fjuk, A Furberg, HC Geirbo, P Helmersen
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 3 (1), 21-38, 2008
Undergraduate biology students' model‐based reasoning in the laboratory: Exploring the role of drawings, talk, and gestures
M Sjøberg, A Furberg, E Knain
Science Education 107 (1), 124-148, 2023
The importance of socio-cultural context for understanding students’ meaning making in the study of genetics
A Furberg, HC Arnseth
Cultural Studies of Science Education 4, 211-219, 2009
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