Yulina Eliza
Yulina Eliza
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi KBP
在 akbpstie.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pengaruh moralitas individu dan pengendalian internal terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi (Studi Empiris Pada SKPD di Kota Padang)
Y Eliza
Jurnal Akuntansi (Media Riset Akuntansi & Keuangan) 4 (1), 86-100, 2015
Pengaruh Investasi, Angkatan Kerja dan Pengeluaran Pemerintah terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Sumatera Barat
Y Eliza
PEKBIS 7 (3), 198-208, 2015
Analisis Kepuasan Masyarakat Atas Kualitas Pelayanan Kantor Kecamatan Siberut Selatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai
Y Eliza
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis 7 (1), 65-75, 2015
The effect of tourism facilities, service quality and promotion of tourist satisfaction in South Pesisir District
AM Bahar, M Maizaldi, N Putera, R Widiestuty, S Chaniago, Y Eliza
J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen Dan Sains) 5 (1), 5-9, 2020
The Analysis Return on Investment Education of Married Woman in Indonesia. KnE Social Sciences, 3 (14), 667–688
Y Eliza, E Adriani, S Maryanti
Pengaruh Pengeluaran Pemerintah, Investasi dan Angkatan Kerja Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Sumatera Barat
Y Eliza
Seminar Nasional Ekonomi dan Manajemen Akuntansi (SNEMA 2015) Universitas …, 2015
The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Discipline and Leadership on Employee Performance at the Public Works, Spatial Planning and Land Office of South Solok Regency
S Melia, R Pebrina, Y Eliza
International Journal of Management Excellence (ISSN: 2292-1648) 12 (3 …, 2019
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kualitas Produk dan Kemasan Produk di Kelompok Tani Desa Lembah Sari Rumbai Pekanbaru
S Maryanti, Y Eliza
DINAMISIA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 6 (6), 2022
The Growth of the Population: Labor Potential Mapping in Pekanbaru Indonesia
S Maryanti, Y Eliza, R Wiyati, M Thamrin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 175 (1), 012092, 2018
The Effect Of Facilities and Comfort On Customer Satisfaction: The Services as an Intervening
Y Eliza
Asean International Journal of Business 2 (2), 214-227, 2023
Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Kinerja Pegawai Pelayanan Hewan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan
Y Eliza, Y Andria
Target: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis 4 (1), 79-86, 2022
Multisektor Kemiskinan Di Indonesia Tahun 2000–2018
Y Eliza, AS Dewi
Jurnal BONANZA: Manajemen dan Bisnis 1 (1), 13-21, 2020
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Kerja Dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus: Pegawai Dinas Komunikasi Dan …
N Nelly, RR Sirait, M Sirait, Y Eliza
Jurnal Daya Saing 6 (1), 99-110, 2020
Effect of Employee Competency, Organizational Commitment and Workload on Employee Performance of Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Service of West Sumatra Province
Y Eliza, D Masrisal, D Insani, Y Jasvia
Asian Journal of Social Science and Management Technology 2 (5), 2313-7410, 2020
The Effect of Motivation, Competence and Work Environment to the Management of Goods as a Regional Asset Manager in Padang City
Y Eliza, V Putri, H Hasbullah, M Luthfi
International Journal of Management Excellence (ISSN: 2292-1648) 13 (3 …, 2019
Corruption and Governance Factors as The Determination of The Regional Government Revenue in Indonesia
Y Andria, DP Ernawati, Y Eliza
Target: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis 5 (1), 109-116, 2023
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pasien Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial pada RSUD Padang Pariaman
Y Eliza, E Lina, I Irnovriadi, J Jasmalinda
Target: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis 4 (2), 163-174, 2022
The Effect of Organizational Competence, Communication, and Commitment on the Performance of Secretariat Employees of the Regional People's Representative Board (DPRD) of West …
Y Eliza, WI Yasmin, C Oktora, F Ningrum
Asian Journal of Social Science and Management Technology 3 (6), 2021
The Analysis Return on Investment Education of Married Woman in Indonesia
Y Eliza, E Adriani, S Maryanti
KnE Social Sciences, 667–688-667–688, 2019
The Impact Of Experiential Marketing Dimensions On Customer Satisfaction And The Emergence Of Word Of Mouth
F Farouk, S Helia, Y Eliza
Journal of International Conference Proceedings 7 (1), 196-206, 2024
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