Kimberly Page
Kimberly Page
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
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Sexual transmission and the natural history of human herpesvirus 8 infection
JN Martin, DE Ganem, DH Osmond, KA Page-Shafer, D Macrae, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 338 (14), 948-954, 1998
The effects of female sex, viral genotype, and IL28B genotype on spontaneous clearance of acute hepatitis C virus infection
J Grebely, K Page, R Sacks‐Davis, MS van der Loeff, TM Rice, J Bruneau, ...
Hepatology 59 (1), 109-120, 2014
Decline in HIV infectivity following the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy
TC Porco, JN Martin, KA Page-Shafer, A Cheng, E Charlebois, RM Grant, ...
Aids 18 (1), 81-88, 2004
Hepatitis C virus seroconversion among young injection drug users: relationships and risks
JA Hahn, K Page-Shafer, PJ Lum, P Bourgois, E Stein, JL Evans, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 186 (11), 1558-1564, 2002
Gender differences in sexual and injection risk behavior among active young injection drug users in San Francisco (the UFO Study)
JL Evans, JA Hahn, K Page-Shafer, PJ Lum, ES Stein, PJ Davidson, ...
Journal of Urban Health 80, 137-146, 2003
Acute hepatitis C virus infection in young adult injection drug users: a prospective study of incident infection, resolution, and reinfection
K Page, JA Hahn, J Evans, S Shiboski, P Lum, E Delwart, L Tobler, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 200 (8), 1216-1226, 2009
Hepatitis C virus infection and needle exchange use among young injection drug users in San Francisco
JA Hahn, K Page‐Shafer, PJ Lum, K Ochoa, AR Moss
Hepatology 34 (1), 180-187, 2001
Hepatitis C virus clearance, reinfection, and persistence, with insights from studies of injecting drug users: towards a vaccine
J Grebely, M Prins, M Hellard, AL Cox, WO Osburn, G Lauer, K Page, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 12 (5), 408-414, 2012
HIV infection in homosexual and bisexual men 18 to 29 years of age: the San Francisco Young Men's Health Study.
DH Osmond, K Page, J Wiley, K Garrett, HW Sheppard, AR Moss, ...
American Journal of Public Health 84 (12), 1933-1937, 1994
Increases in unsafe sex and rectal gonorrhea among men who have sex with men--San Francisco, California, 1994-1997
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 48 (3), 45-48, 1999
Association of opioid agonist therapy with lower incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in young adult injection drug users
JI Tsui, JL Evans, PJ Lum, JA Hahn, K Page
JAMA internal medicine 174 (12), 1974-1981, 2014
Correlates of heavy substance use among young gay and bisexual men: The San Francisco Young Men's Health Study
GL Greenwood, EW White, K Page-Shafer, E Bein, DH Osmond, J Paul, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 61 (2), 105-112, 2001
Injection drug use and hepatitis C virus infection in young adult injectors: using evidence to inform comprehensive prevention
K Page, MD Morris, JA Hahn, L Maher, M Prins
Clinical infectious diseases 57 (suppl_2), S32-S38, 2013
Comorbidity and survival in HIV-infected men in the San Francisco Men's Health Survey
K Page-Shafer, GN Delorenze, WA Satariano, W Winkelstein Jr
Annals of epidemiology 6 (5), 420-430, 1996
Policing drug users in Russia: risk, fear, and structural violence
A Sarang, T Rhodes, N Sheon, K Page
Substance use & misuse 45 (6), 813-864, 2010
HIV, HCV, and health-related harms among women who inject drugs: implications for prevention and treatment
J Iversen, K Page, A Madden, L Maher
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 69, S176-S181, 2015
Clinicians' views of hepatitis C virus treatment candidacy with direct-acting antiviral regimens for people who inject drugs
AK Asher, CJ Portillo, BA Cooper, C Dawson-Rose, D Vlahov, KA Page
Substance use & misuse 51 (9), 1218-1223, 2016
Risk of prevalent HIV infection associated with incarceration among injecting drug users in Bangkok, Thailand: case-control study
A Buavirat, K Page-Shafer, GJP Van Griensven, JS Mandel, J Evans, ...
Bmj 326 (7384), 308, 2003
Hepatitis C virus infection among prisoners in the California state correctional system
RK Fox, SL Currie, J Evans, TL Wright, L Tobler, B Phelps, MP Busch, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 41 (2), 177-186, 2005
Determinants of HIV disease progression among homosexual men registered in the Tricontinental Seroconverter Study
PJ Veugelers, KA Page, B Tindall, MT Schechter, AR Moss, ...
American journal of epidemiology 140 (8), 747-758, 1994
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