Sarah L. Goff
Sarah L. Goff
Associate Professor University of Massachusetts, School of Public Health and Health Sciences
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Advance care planning: a qualitative study of dialysis patients and families
SL Goff, ND Eneanya, R Feinberg, MJ Germain, L Marr, J Berzoff, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 10 (3), 390-400, 2015
Patients’ beliefs and preferences regarding doctors’ medication recommendations
SL Goff, KM Mazor, V Meterko, K Dodd, J Sabin
Journal of general internal medicine 23, 236-241, 2008
A mixed-methods analysis of patient reviews of hospital care in England: implications for public reporting of health care quality data in the United States
T Lagu, SL Goff, NS Hannon, A Shatz, PK Lindenauer
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 39 (1), 7-AP4, 2013
How cardiologists present the benefits of percutaneous coronary interventions to patients with stable angina: a qualitative analysis
SL Goff, KM Mazor, HH Ting, R Kleppel, MB Rothberg
JAMA internal medicine 174 (10), 1614-1621, 2014
What do physicians read (and ignore) in electronic progress notes?
PJ Brown, JL Marquard, B Amster, M Romoser, J Friderici, S Goff, ...
Applied clinical informatics 5 (02), 430-444, 2014
Validity of using ICD‐9‐CM codes to identify selected categories of obstetric complications, procedures and co‐morbidities
SL Goff, PS Pekow, G Markenson, A Knee, L Chasan‐Taber, ...
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology 26 (5), 421-429, 2012
Website characteristics and physician reviews on commercial physician-rating websites
T Lagu, K Metayer, M Moran, L Ortiz, A Priya, SL Goff, PK Lindenauer
Jama 317 (7), 766-768, 2017
Vaccine counseling: a content analysis of patient–physician discussions regarding human papilloma virus vaccine
SL Goff, KM Mazor, SJ Gagne, KC Corey, DR Blake
Vaccine 29 (43), 7343-7349, 2011
Can social media be used as a hospital quality improvement tool?
T Lagu, SL Goff, B Craft, S Calcasola, EM Benjamin, A Priya, ...
Journal of hospital medicine 11 (1), 52-55, 2016
Childhood adversity and mental health comorbidity in men and women with opioid use disorders
EA Evans, SL Goff, DM Upchurch, CE Grella
Addictive behaviors 102, 106149, 2020
Shared decision-making in end-stage renal disease: a protocol for a multi-center study of a communication intervention to improve end-of-life care for dialysis patients
ND Eneanya, SL Goff, T Martinez, N Gutierrez, J Klingensmith, JL Griffith, ...
BMC Palliative care 14, 1-7, 2015
A Qualitative analysis of patients’ perceptions of shared decision making in the emergency department:“let me know i have a choice”
EM Schoenfeld, SL Goff, G Downs, RJ Wenger, PK Lindenauer, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 25 (7), 716-727, 2018
Parents' perceptions of medical errors
KM Mazor, SL Goff, KS Dodd, SJ Velten, KE Walsh
Journal of Patient Safety 6 (2), 102-107, 2010
Successful strategies for practice-based recruitment of racial and ethnic minority pregnant women in a randomized controlled trial: the IDEAS for a healthy baby study
SL Goff, Y Youssef, PS Pekow, KO White, H Guhn-Knight, T Lagu, ...
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 3, 731-737, 2016
Advance care planning with patients on hemodialysis: an implementation study
SL Goff, ML Unruh, J Klingensmith, ND Eneanya, C Garvey, MJ Germain, ...
BMC Palliative Care 18, 1-8, 2019
Administrative data used to identify patients with irritable bowel syndrome
SL Goff, A Feld, SE Andrade, L Mahoney, SJ Beaton, DM Boudreau, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 61 (6), 617-621, 2008
Improving rates of outpatient influenza vaccination through EHR portal messages and interactive automated calls: a randomized controlled trial
SL Cutrona, JG Golden, SL Goff, J Ogarek, B Barton, L Fisher, P Preusse, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 33, 659-667, 2018
Understanding patients' perceptions of medical errors
KM Mazor, SL Goff, K Dodd, EJ Alper
Journal of Communication in Healthcare 2 (1), 34-46, 2009
Successful use of noninvasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. How do high-performing hospitals do it?
KA Fisher, KM Mazor, S Goff, MS Stefan, PS Pekow, LA Williams, ...
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 14 (11), 1674-1681, 2017
Physician-identified barriers to and facilitators of shared decision-making in the Emergency Department: an exploratory analysis
EM Schoenfeld, SL Goff, TR Elia, ER Khordipour, KE Poronsky, KA Nault, ...
Emergency Medicine Journal 36 (6), 346-354, 2019
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