Pascal Lecomte
Pascal Lecomte
Ingénieur INRA
在 inrae.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Phenotypic differences between vacuma and transposa subpopulations of Botrytis cinerea
F Martinez, D Blancard, P Lecomte, C Levis, B Dubos, M Fermaud
European Journal of Plant Pathology 109 (5), 479-488, 2003
Analyses of the temporal dynamics of fungal communities colonizing the healthy wood tissues of esca leaf-symptomatic and asymptomatic vines
E Bruez, J Vallance, J Gerbore, P Lecomte, JP Da Costa, ...
PloS one 9 (5), e95928, 2014
Overview of grapevine trunk diseases in France in the 2000s
E Bruez, P Lecomte, J Grosman, B Doublet, C Bertsch, F Fontaine, ...
Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 262-275, 2013
New insights into esca of grapevine: the development of foliar symptoms and their association with xylem discoloration
P Lecomte, G Darrieutort, JM Liminana, G Comont, A Muruamendiaraz, ...
Plant Disease 96 (7), 924-934, 2012
PCR Assays That Identify the Grapevine Dieback FungusEutypa lata
P Lecomte, JP Péros, D Blancard, N Bastien, C Délye
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (10), 4475-4480, 2000
Grapevine pruning systems and cultivars influence the diversity of wood-colonizing fungi
R Travadon, P Lecomte, B Diarra, DP Lawrence, D Renault, H Ojeda, ...
Fungal Ecology 24, 82-93, 2016
A transcriptomic study of grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet-Sauvignon) interaction with the vascular ascomycete fungus Eutypa lata
C Camps, C Kappel, P Lecomte, C Léon, E Gomès, P Coutos-Thévenot, ...
Journal of experimental botany 61 (6), 1719-1737, 2010
A sensitive and specific detection of Erwinia amylovora based on the ELISA-DASI enrichment method with monoclonal antibodies.
MT Gorris, M Cambra, P Llop, MM López, P Lecomte, R Chartier, ...
VII International Workshop on Fire Blight 411, 41-46, 1995
Identification by PCR analysis on plasmid pEA29 of isolates of Erwinia amylovora responsible of an outbreak in Central Europe
P Lecomte, C Manceau, JP Paulin, M Keck
European Journal of Plant Pathology 103, 91-98, 1997
Esca of grapevine and training practices in France
P Lecomte, B Diarra, A Carbonneau, P Rey, C Chevrier
Phytopathologia mediterranea 57 (3), 472-487, 2018
Sensibilité variétale au feu bactérien
M Le Lezec, P Lecomte, F Laurens, JC Michelesi
L’arboriculture fruitière 503, 57-62, 1997
Evaluation of a trunk injection technique to control grapevine wood diseases
G Darrieutort, P Lecomte
Phytopathologia Mediterranea 46 (1), 50-57, 2007
Vitis Methods to Understand and Develop Strategies for Diagnosis and Sustainable Control of Grapevine Trunk Diseases
P Reis, R Pierron, P Larignon, P Lecomte, E Abou-Mansour, S Farine, ...
Phytopathology 109 (6), 916-931, 2019
Exploring the hydraulic failure hypothesis of esca leaf symptom formation
G Bortolami, GA Gambetta, S Delzon, LJ Lamarque, J Pouzoulet, E Badel, ...
Plant physiology 181 (3), 1163-1174, 2019
Assessment of the susceptibility to Erwinia amylovora of 90 varieties or selections of pear
B Thibault, P Lecomte, L Hermann, A Belouin
IV International Workshop on Fire Blight 217, 305-310, 1986
Heat treatment of plant propagation material for the control of fire blight
M Keck, R Chartier, W Zislavsky, P Lecomte, JP Paulin
Plant Pathology 44 (1), 124-129, 1995
Genetic structure of the fungal grapevine pathogen Eutypa lata from four continents
R Travadon, K Baumgartner, PE Rolshausen, WD Gubler, MR Sosnowski, ...
Plant pathology 61 (1), 85-95, 2012
Grapevines under drought do not express esca leaf symptoms
G Bortolami, GA Gambetta, C Cassan, S Dayer, E Farolfi, N Ferrer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (43), e2112825118, 2021
Comparison of the molecular responses of tolerant, susceptible and highly susceptible grapevine cultivars during interaction with the pathogenic fungus Eutypa lata
C Cardot, G Mappa, S La Camera, C Gaillard, C Vriet, P Lecomte, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 991, 2019
First characterization of Erwinia amylovora isolates from Austria and fire blight susceptibility of some apple genotypes from Central Europe/Erste Charakterisierung von Erwinia …
M Keck, R Chartier, P Lecomte, H Reich, JP Paulin
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz/Journal of Plant …, 1997
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