Genevieve Bouchard
Genevieve Bouchard
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Why do women do the lion’s share of housework? A decade of research
M Lachance-Grzela, G Bouchard
Sex roles 63, 767-780, 2010
Personality and marital adjustment: Utility of the five-factor model of personality
G Bouchard, Y Lussier, S Sabourin
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 651-660, 1999
Situational and dispositional coping: An examination of their relation to personality, cognitive appraisals, and psychological distress
G Bouchard, A Guillemette, N Landry‐Léger
European Journal of Personality 18 (3), 221-238, 2004
Cognitive appraisals, neuroticism, and openness as correlates of coping strategies: An integrative model of adaptation to marital difficulties.
G Bouchard
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2003
How do parents react when their children leave home? An integrative review
G Bouchard
Journal of Adult Development 21, 69-79, 2014
Predictive validity of coping strategies on marital satisfaction: Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence.
G Bouchard, S Sabourin, Y Lussier, J Wright, C Richer
Journal of Family Psychology 12 (1), 112, 1998
Transition to parenthood and conjugal life: Comparisons between planned and unplanned pregnancies
G Bouchard, J Boudreau, R Hébert
Journal of Family Issues 27 (11), 1512-1531, 2006
Adult couples facing a planned or an unplanned pregnancy: Two realities
G Bouchard
Journal of Family Issues 26 (5), 619-637, 2005
Defense mechanisms and coping strategies in conjugal relationships: An integration
G Bouchard, VJ Theriault
International journal of Psychology 38 (2), 79-90, 2003
The quality of the parenting alliance during the transition to parenthood.
G Bouchard
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2014
Intergenerational transmission and transition to fatherhood: A mediated-moderation model of paternal engagement.
G Bouchard
Journal of Family Psychology 26 (5), 747, 2012
The role of psychosocial variables in prenatal attachment: an examination of moderational effects
G Bouchard
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 29 (3), 197-207, 2011
Nature des stratégies d'adaptation au sein des relations conjugales: présentation d'une version abrégée du Ways of Coping Questionnaire.
G Bouchard, S Sabourin, Y Lussier, C Richer, J Wright
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 1995
New mothers’ sense of competence: predictors and outcomes
D Ponomartchouk, G Bouchard
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 1977-1986, 2015
Testing the theoretical models underlying the Ways of Coping Questionnaire with couples
G Bouchard, S Sabourin, Y Lussier, J Wright, C Richer
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 409-418, 1997
Family dynamics and young adults’ well-being: The mediating role of sibling bullying
A Plamondon, G Bouchard, M Lachance-Grzela
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (9-10), NP5362-NP5384, 2021
Length of union as a moderator of the relationship between personality and dyadic adjustment
G Bouchard, JE Arseneault
Personality and Individual Differences 39 (8), 1407-1417, 2005
Cohabitation versus marriage: The role of dyadic adjustment in relationship dissolution
G Bouchard
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 46 (1-2), 107-117, 2006
Attention deficits and divorce
G Bouchard, J Saint-Aubin
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 59 (9), 480-486, 2014
Parental divorce and couples’ adjustment during the transition to parenthood: The role of parent-adult child relationships
G Bouchard, D Doucet
Journal of Family Issues 32 (4), 507-527, 2011
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