Dariusz Wlodarek
Dariusz Wlodarek
在 sggw.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Role of ketogenic diets in neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease)
D Włodarek
Nutrients 11 (1), 169, 2019
Dietary factors and prostate cancer development, progression, and reduction
M Oczkowski, K Dziendzikowska, A Pasternak-Winiarska, D Włodarek, ...
Nutrients 13 (2), 496, 2021
Estimation of energy and nutritional intake of young men practicing aerobic sports
A Wierniuk, D Wlodarek
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny 64 (2), 2013
Nutrition for female soccer players—recommendations
H Dobrowolski, A Karczemna, D Włodarek
Medicina 56 (1), 28, 2020
Calcium intake and osteoporosis: the influence of calcium intake from dairy products on hip bone mineral density and fracture incidence–a population-based study in women over …
D Włodarek, D Głąbska, A Kołota, P Adamczyk, A Czekajło, W Grzeszczak, ...
Public health nutrition 17 (2), 383-389, 2014
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as a feature of the metabolic syndrome
P Socha, A Wierzbicka, J Neuhoff-Murawska, D Włodarek, J Podleśny, ...
Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 58 (1), 129-137, 2007
Calcium intake and osteoporosis: the influence of calcium intake from dairy products on hip bone mineral density and fracture incidence-a population-based study in women over …
D Wlodarek, D Glabska, A Kolota, P Adamczyk, A Czekajlo, W Grzeszczak, ...
Public health nutrition 17 (2), 383, 2014
Vitamin D dietary intake questionnaire validation conducted among young Polish women
D Głąbska, D Guzek, P Sidor, D Włodarek
Nutrients 8 (1), 36, 2016
D Włodarek, E Lange, D Głąbska, L Kozłowska
Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, 2015
Lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin may reduce faecal blood, mucus and pus but not abdominal pain in individuals with ulcerative colitis
D Głąbska, D Guzek, P Zakrzewska, D Włodarek, G Lech
Nutrients 8 (10), 613, 2016
Dietary intake of polish female soccer players
H Dobrowolski, D Włodarek
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (7), 1134, 2019
Assessing the validity and reproducibility of an iron dietary intake questionnaire conducted in a group of young Polish women
D Głąbska, D Guzek, J Ślązak, D Włodarek
Nutrients 9 (3), 199, 2017
Are elderly consumer more ethnocentric? Attitudes towards Polish and ‘foreign’food products
M Awdziej, J Tkaczyk, D Włodarek
Journal of Economics and Management 23, 91-107, 2016
Evaluation of eating habits and their impact on health among adolescents and young adults: A cross-sectional study
S Mizia, A Felińczak, D Włodarek, M Syrkiewicz-Świtała
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (8), 3996, 2021
Body mass, physical activity and eating habits changes during the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Poland
H Dobrowolski, D Włodarek
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (11), 5682, 2021
Low energy availability in group of Polish female soccer players
H Dobrowolski, D Wlodarek
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny 71 (1), 2020
The assessment of the supply of calcium and vitamin D in the diet of women regularly practicing sport
M Wrzosek, J Woźniak, D Kozioł-Kaczorek, D Włodarek
Journal of osteoporosis 2019 (1), 9214926, 2019
Analysis of the dietary factors contributing to the future osteoporosis risk in young Polish women
P Sidor, D Glabska, D Wlodarek
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny 67 (3), 2016
Assessment of diet in chronic kidney disease female predialysis patients
D Wlodarek, D Glabska, J Rojek-Trebicka
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 21 (4), 2014
The causes of adverse changes of testosterone levels in men
M Wrzosek, J Woźniak, D Włodarek
Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism 15 (5), 355-362, 2020
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