R Craig Lefebvre
R Craig Lefebvre
Lead Change Designer, RTI International
在 rti.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Dispositional optimism and recovery from coronary artery bypass surgery: the beneficial effects on physical and psychological well-being.
MF Scheier, KA Matthews, JF Owens, GJ Magovern, RC Lefebvre, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 57 (6), 1024, 1989
Mobile health technology evaluation: the mHealth evidence workshop
S Kumar, WJ Nilsen, A Abernethy, A Atienza, K Patrick, M Pavel, WT Riley, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 45 (2), 228-236, 2013
Social marketing and public health intervention
RC Lefebvre, JA Flora
Thornton, BC och Kreps, GL (red.) Perspectives on Health Communication …, 1993
Social marketing and public health intervention
R Craig Lefebvre, JA Flora
Health education quarterly 15 (3), 299-315, 1988
Using the stages of change model to increase the adoption of physical activity among community participants
BH Marcus, SW Banspach, RC Lefebvre, JS Rossi, RA Carleton, ...
American journal of health promotion 6 (6), 424-429, 1992
An integrative model for social marketing
RC Lefebvre
Journal of Social Marketing 1 (1), 54-72, 2011
Social marketing and social change: Strategies and tools for improving health, well-being, and the environment
RC Lefebvre
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Development of a definition of postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection
T Thaweethai, SE Jolley, EW Karlson, EB Levitan, B Levy, GA McComsey, ...
Jama 329 (22), 1934-1946, 2023
Transformative social marketing: co‐creating the social marketing discipline and brand
RC Lefebvre
Journal of Social Marketing, 2012
Theory and delivery of health programming in the community: the Pawtucket Heart Health Program
RC Lefebvre, TM Lasater, RA Carleton, G Peterson
Preventive medicine 16 (1), 80-95, 1987
The new technology: the consumer as participant rather than target audience
RC Lefebvre
Social Marketing Quarterly 13 (3), 31-42, 2007
Digital social networks and health
RC Lefebvre, AS Bornkessel
Circulation 127 (17), 1829-1836, 2013
Social marketing
RC Lefebvre, L Rochlin
Health behavior and health education: Theory, research, and practice 2, 384-402, 1997
The Pawtucket Heart Health Program: I. An experiment in population-based disease prevention.
RA Carleton, TM Lasater, A Assaf, RC Lefebvre, SM McKinlay
Rhode Island medical journal 70 (12), 533-538, 1987
Obama's wired campaign: Lessons for public health communication
LC Abroms, R Craig Lefebvre
Journal of health communication 14 (5), 415-423, 2009
Strategic questions for consumer-based health communications.
SM Sutton, GI Balch, RC Lefebvre
Public Health Reports 110 (6), 725, 1995
Information-seeking about health in a community sample of adults: correlates and associations with other health-related practices
W Rakowski, AR Assaf, RC Lefebvre, TM Lasater, M Niknian, RA Carleton
Health Education Quarterly 17 (4), 379-393, 1990
Social marketing: the state of play and brokering the way forward
R Gordon, R Russell-Bennett, RC Lefebvre
Journal of Marketing Management 32 (11-12), 1059-1082, 2016
Navigating the central tensions in research on at-risk consumers: challenges and opportunities
C Pechmann, ES Moore, AR Andreasen, PM Connell, D Freeman, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 30 (1), 23-30, 2011
Community intervention to lower blood cholesterol: the" Know Your Cholesterol" campaign in Pawtucket, Rhode Island
RC Lefebvre, GS Peterson, SA McGraw, TM Lasater, L Sennett, L Kendall, ...
Health Education Quarterly 13 (2), 117-129, 1986
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