Guohua Li
Guohua Li
Professor of Epidemiology and Anesthesiology, Columbia University
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The injury fact book
SP Baker
Oxford University Press, USA, 1992
Association between a single general anesthesia exposure before age 36 months and neurocognitive outcomes in later childhood
LS Sun, G Li, TLK Miller, C Salorio, MW Byrne, DC Bellinger, C Ing, ...
Jama 315 (21), 2312-2320, 2016
Long-term differences in language and cognitive function after childhood exposure to anesthesia
C Ing, C DiMaggio, A Whitehouse, MK Hegarty, J Brady, ...
Pediatrics 130 (3), e476-e485, 2012
Carrying passengers as a risk factor for crashes fatal to 16-and 17-year-old drivers
LH Chen, SP Baker, ER Braver, G Li
Jama 283 (12), 1578-1582, 2000
Fragility versus excessive crash involvement as determinants of high death rates per vehicle-mile of travel among older drivers
G Li, ER Braver, LH Chen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 35 (2), 227-235, 2003
Early childhood exposure to anesthesia and risk of developmental and behavioral disorders in a sibling birth cohort
C DiMaggio, LS Sun, G Li
Anesthesia & Analgesia 113 (5), 1143-1151, 2011
A retrospective cohort study of the association of anesthesia and hernia repair surgery with behavioral and developmental disorders in young children
C DiMaggio, LS Sun, A Kakavouli, MW Byrne, G Li
Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology 21 (4), 286-291, 2009
Epidemiology of anesthesia-related mortality in the United States, 1999–2005
G Li, M Warner, BH Lang, L Huang, LS Sun
The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 110 (4), 759-765, 2009
Driving cessation and health outcomes in older adults
S Chihuri, TJ Mielenz, CJ DiMaggio, ME Betz, C DiGuiseppi, VC Jones, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 64 (2), 332-341, 2016
Marijuana use and motor vehicle crashes
MC Li, JE Brady, CJ DiMaggio, AR Lusardi, KY Tzong, G Li
Epidemiologic reviews 34 (1), 65-72, 2012
Three-year outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries who survive intensive care
H Wunsch, C Guerra, AE Barnato, DC Angus, G Li, WT Linde-Zwirble
Jama 303 (9), 849-856, 2010
Injuries to children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
C DiScala, I Lescohier, M Barthel, G Li
Pediatrics 102 (6), 1415-1421, 1998
What is a cohort effect? Comparison of three statistical methods for modeling cohort effects in obesity prevalence in the United States, 1971–2006
KM Keyes, RL Utz, W Robinson, G Li
Social science & medicine 70 (7), 1100-1108, 2010
Birth cohort effects and gender differences in alcohol epidemiology: a review and synthesis
KM Keyes, G Li, DS Hasin
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 35 (12), 2101-2112, 2011
Trends in alcohol and other drugs detected in fatally injured drivers in the United States, 1999–2010
JE Brady, G Li
American journal of epidemiology 179 (6), 692-699, 2014
Child abuse and unintentional injuries: a 10-year retrospective
C DiScala, R Sege, G Li, RM Reece
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 154 (1), 16-22, 2000
Relative risk of injury and death in ambulances and other emergency vehicles
LR Becker, E Zaloshnja, N Levick, G Li, TR Miller
Accident Analysis & Prevention 35 (6), 941-948, 2003
Incidence of injury in professional mixed martial arts competitions
GH Bledsoe, EB Hsu, JG Grabowski, JD Brill, G Li
Journal of sports science & medicine 5 (CSSI), 136, 2006
Effects of high school driver education on motor vehicle crashes, violations, and licensure
JS Vernick, G Li, S Ogaitis, EJ MacKenzie, SP Baker, AC Gielen
American journal of preventive medicine 16 (1), 40-46, 1999
Effectiveness of bystander naloxone administration and overdose education programs: a meta-analysis
RE Giglio, G Li, CJ DiMaggio
Injury epidemiology 2, 1-9, 2015
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