Isabelle Dufour
Isabelle Dufour
在 usherbrooke.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Individual predictors of frequent emergency department use: a scoping review
C Krieg, C Hudon, MC Chouinard, I Dufour
BMC health services research 16, 1-10, 2016
Factors associated with frequent use of emergency-department services in a geriatric population: a systematic review
I Dufour, MC Chouinard, N Dubuc, J Beaudin, S Lafontaine, C Hudon
BMC geriatrics 19, 1-9, 2019
Effectiveness of case management interventions for frequent users of healthcare services: a scoping review
C Hudon, MC Chouinard, M Lambert, I Dufour, C Krieg
BMJ open 6 (9), e012353, 2016
Screening tools to identify patients with complex health needs at risk of high use of health care services: a scoping review
V Marcoux, MC Chouinard, F Diadiou, I Dufour, C Hudon
PLoS One 12 (11), e0188663, 2017
Persistent frequent emergency department users with chronic conditions: a population-based cohort study
YM Chiu, A Vanasse, J Courteau, MC Chouinard, MF Dubois, N Dubuc, ...
PLoS One 15 (2), e0229022, 2020
Healthcare utilization after a first hospitalization for COPD: a new approach of State Sequence Analysis based on the'6W'multidimensional model of care trajectories
A Vanasse, J Courteau, M Courteau, M Benigeri, YM Chiu, I Dufour, ...
BMC health services research 20, 1-15, 2020
Frequent emergency department use by older adults with ambulatory care sensitive conditions: A population‐based cohort study
I Dufour, Y Chiu, J Courteau, MC Chouinard, N Dubuc, C Hudon
Geriatrics & gerontology international 20 (4), 317-323, 2020
Statistical tools used for analyses of frequent users of emergency department: a scoping review
Y Chiu, F Racine-Hemmings, I Dufour, A Vanasse, MC Chouinard, ...
BMJ open 9 (5), e027750, 2019
Profiles of frequent geriatric users of emergency departments: a latent class analysis
I Dufour, N Dubuc, MC Chouinard, Y Chiu, J Courteau, C Hudon
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 69 (3), 753-761, 2021
Machine learning to improve frequent emergency department use prediction: a retrospective cohort study
YM Chiu, J Courteau, I Dufour, A Vanasse, C Hudon
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 1981, 2023
Risk of frequent emergency department use among an ambulatory care sensitive condition population: a population-based cohort study
C Hudon, J Courteau, YM Chiu, MC Chouinard, MF Dubois, N Dubuc, ...
Medical Care 58 (3), 248-256, 2020
Profiles of frequent emergency department users with chronic conditions: a latent class analysis
YM Chiu, I Dufour, J Courteau, A Vanasse, MC Chouinard, MF Dubois, ...
BMJ open 12 (9), e055297, 2022
Health literacy and use of healthcare services among community-dwelling older adults living with chronic conditions
I Dufour, A Lacasse, MC Chouinard, Y Chiu, S Lafontaine
Clinical Nursing Studies 7 (2), 79-86, 2019
Research protocol of the Laval-ROSA Transilab: a living lab on transitions for people living with dementia
I Dufour, G Arsenault-Lapierre, M Guillette, N Dame, ME Poitras, ...
BMC Health Services Research 23 (1), 1255, 2023
La littératie en santé chez les personnes présentant des troubles mentaux graves
MP Fortin, M Lavoie, I Dufour, MC Chouinard
Santé mentale au Québec 45 (1), 105-126, 2020
Trajectories of care of community-dwelling people living with dementia: a multidimensional state sequence analysis
I Dufour, I Vedel, J Courteau, A Quesnel-Vallée
BMC geriatrics 23 (1), 250, 2023
Identification of major cognitive disorders in self-reported versus administrative health data: a cohort study in Quebec
I Dufour, I Vedel, A Quesnel-Vallée
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 89 (3), 1091-1101, 2022
Care trajectories around a first dementia diagnosis in patients with serious mental illness
I Dufour, S Brodeur, J Courteau, MA Roy, A Vanasse, A Quesnel‐Vallee, ...
Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 2024
Care trajectories of individuals with anxiety disorders: A retrospective cohort study
P Roberge, C Hudon, J Courteau, M Courteau, I Dufour, YM Chiu, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 349, 604-616, 2024
Examining the concept of healthcare trajectories in older adults with major neurocognitive disorder using the ‘6w’multidimensional model of care trajectories: a mixed methods …
I Dufour, C Bolster-Foucault, I Vedel, A Quesnel-Vallée
Science of Nursing and Health Practices 4 (2), 101-110, 2021
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