Generalized blockmodeling P Doreian, V Batagelj, A Ferligoj Cambridge university press, 2005 | 786 | 2005 |
Generalized blockmodeling of two-mode network data P Doreian, V Batagelj, A Ferligoj Social networks 26 (1), 29-53, 2004 | 261 | 2004 |
Direct and indirect methods for structural equivalence V Batagelj, A Ferligoj, P Doreian Social networks 14 (1-2), 63-90, 1992 | 176 | 1992 |
Understanding large temporal networks and spatial networks: Exploration, pattern searching, visualization and network evolution V Batagelj, P Doreian, A Ferligoj, N Kejzar John Wiley & Sons, 2014 | 168 | 2014 |
Evaluation of social network measurement instruments A Ferligoj, V Hlebec Social networks 21 (2), 111-130, 1999 | 168 | 1999 |
Achievement, power, and affiliation motives as clues to (e) migration desires: A four-countries comparison B Boneva, IH Frieze, A Ferligoj, E Jarošová, D Pauknerová, A Orgocka European Psychologist 3 (4), 247-254, 1998 | 150 | 1998 |
Gender-role attitudes in university students in the United States, Slovenia, and Croatia IH Frieze, A Ferligoj, T Kogovšek, T Rener, J Horvat, N Šarlija Psychology of Women Quarterly 27 (3), 256-261, 2003 | 143 | 2003 |
Zanesljivost in veljavnost merjenja A Ferligoj, K Leskošek, T Kogovšek Fakulteta za družbene vede, 1995 | 141 | 1995 |
An optimizational approach to regular equivalence V Batagelj, P Doreian, A Ferligoj Social networks 14 (1-2), 121-135, 1992 | 137 | 1992 |
Direct multicriteria clustering algorithms A Ferligoj, V Batagelj Journal of classification 9 (1), 43-61, 1992 | 136 | 1992 |
Collaboration structures in Slovenian scientific communities L Kronegger, F Mali, A Ferligoj, P Doreian Scientometrics 90 (2), 631-647, 2012 | 132 | 2012 |
With whom do researchers collaborate and why? H Iglič, P Doreian, L Kronegger, A Ferligoj Scientometrics 112, 153-174, 2017 | 129 | 2017 |
Dynamic scientific co-authorship networks F Mali, L Kronegger, P Doreian, A Ferligoj Models of science dynamics: Encounters between complexity theory and …, 2012 | 116 | 2012 |
Scientific collaboration dynamics in a national scientific system A Ferligoj, L Kronegger, F Mali, TAB Snijders, P Doreian Scientometrics 104, 985-1012, 2015 | 113 | 2015 |
Psychological differences in stayers and leavers: Emigration desires in Central and Eastern European university students IH Frieze, BS Boneva, N Šarlija, J Horvat, A Ferligoj, T Kogovšek, ... European Psychologist 9 (1), 15-23, 2004 | 113 | 2004 |
Effects on reliability and validity of egocentered network measurements T Kogovšek, A Ferligoj Social networks 27 (3), 205-229, 2005 | 108 | 2005 |
Clustering with relational constraint A Ferligoj, V Batagelj Psychometrika 47 (4), 413-426, 1982 | 106 | 1982 |
Razvrščanje v skupine: teorija in uporaba v družboslovju A Ferligoj Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo, Raziskovalni inštitut, 1989 | 104 | 1989 |
On the dynamics of national scientific systems L Kronegger, A Ferligoj, P Doreian Quality & Quantity 45, 989-1015, 2011 | 97 | 2011 |
Career plans and gender-role attitudes of college students in the United States, Japan, and Slovenia Y Morinaga, IH Frieze, A Ferligoj Sex Roles 29, 317-334, 1993 | 95 | 1993 |