Luoye Chen
Luoye Chen
Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
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Redefining marginal land for bioenergy crop production
M Khanna, L Chen, B Basso, X Cai, JL Field, K Guan, C Jiang, TJ Lark, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 13 (10), 1590-1609, 2021
The impact of metro services on housing prices: a case study from Beijing
S Li, L Chen, P Zhao
Transportation 46, 1291-1317, 2019
The economic and environmental costs and benefits of the renewable fuel standard
L Chen, D Debnath, J Zhong, K Ferin, A VanLoocke, M Khanna
Environmental Research Letters 16 (3), 034021, 2021
Assessing marginal land availability based on land use change information in the contiguous United States
C Jiang, K Guan, M Khanna, L Chen, J Peng
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (15), 10794-10804, 2021
Assessing the returns to land and greenhouse gas savings from producing energy crops on conservation reserve program land
L Chen, E Blanc-Betes, TW Hudiburg, D Hellerstein, S Wallander, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (2), 1301-1309, 2021
Water quality effects of economically viable land use change in the Mississippi river basin under the Renewable Fuel Standard
KM Ferin, L Chen, J Zhong, S Acquah, EA Heaton, M Khanna, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (3), 1566-1575, 2021
Flight delays due to air pollution in China
X Chen, L Chen, W Xie, ND Mueller, SJ Davis
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 119, 102810, 2023
Quantifying uncertainties in greenhouse gas savings and abatement costs with cellulosic biofuels
Y Lee, M Khanna, L Chen, R Shi, J Guest, E Blanc-Betes, C Jiang, ...
European Review of Agricultural Economics 50 (5), 1659-1684, 2023
The spatiotemporal pattern of surface ozone and its impact on agricultural productivity in China
X Chen, J Gao, L Chen, M Khanna, B Gong, M Auffhammer
PNAS nexus 3 (1), pgad435, 2024
Weather Shocks and Economic Triggers of Cropland Change in the US: A Fine-scale Spatial Analysis
L Chen, M Khanna
Heterogeneous and long-term effects of a changing climate on bird biodiversity
L Chen, M Khanna
Global Environmental Change Advances 2, 100008, 2024
Known and Unknown: Uncertainty in Estimating Land use Change from Satellite Data
L Chen, M Khanna
Quantifying the causal effects of climate change on land use and bird biodiversity
L Chen
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022
Climate and Economic Triggers of Cropland Change in the US: A Fine-scale spatial analysis
L Chen, M Khanna
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, GC033-02, 2020
Economic Incentives for Achieving Conservation and Renewable Energy Goals with the Conservation Reserve Program
L Chen, M Khanna, E Blanc, T Hudiburg, E DeLucia
Achieving Conservation and Renewable Energy Goals with the CRP
L Chen, E Blanc-Betes, TW Hudiburg, EH DeLucia, M Khanna
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, GC53F-1010, 2018
Sauce for the Goose is not Sauce for the Gander: Assessing the Heterogeneous Impact of Climate Change on Bird Biodiversity in United States
L Chen, M Khanna
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