Weiping Li
Renewable energy and household economy in rural China
J Huang, W Li, L Guo, X Hu, JW Hall
Renewable Energy 155, 669-676, 2020
Does teaching benefit from university–industry collaboration? Investigating the role of academic commercialization and engagement
Y Wang, R Hu, W Li, X Pan
Scientometrics 106, 1037-1055, 2016
Collaboration strategies and effects on university research: Evidence from Chinese universities
Y Wang, D Hu, W Li, Y Li, Q Li
Scientometrics 103, 725-749, 2015
Environmental regulation and real earnings management—Evidence from the SO2 emissions trading system in China
X Chen, W Li, Z Chen, J Huang
Finance Research Letters 46, 102418, 2022
Toward a theory of internal governance structure of China’s large SOEs
JH Shen, J Zhang, CC Lee, W Li
Journal of Asian Economics 70, 101236, 2020
Does air pollution affect earnings management? Evidence from China
D Jiang, W Li, Y Shen, S Yu
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 72, 101737, 2022
Information and communications technology infrastructure and firm growth: An empirical study of China's cities
J Huang, W Li, L Guo, JW Hall
Telecommunications Policy 46 (3), 102263, 2022
Does environmental regulation affect labor investment efficiency? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China
C Chen, D Jiang, M Lan, W Li, L Ye
International Review of Economics & Finance 80, 82-95, 2022
A theory of economic development and dynamics of Chinese economy
S Lu, JH Shen, W Li, J Zhang
Economic Modelling 86, 69-87, 2020
Do environmental regulations affect firm's cash holdings? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
W Li, X Chen, J Huang, X Gong, W Wu
Energy Economics 112, 106151, 2022
Market liberalization and tax avoidance: evidence from the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect program in China
D Jiang, W Li, Y Shen, Z Yao
Economic Systems 44 (3), 100811, 2020
Does share pledging promote or impede corporate social responsibility? An examination of Chinese listed firms
W Li, J Huang, C Shi, X Yang
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 35 (1), 175-195, 2022
Does analyst coverage curb executives’ excess perks? Evidence from Chinese listed firms
C Chen, D Jiang, W Li, Z Song
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 29 (2), 329-343, 2022
Industrial policy and non-financial corporations’ financialization: Evidence from China
W Cao, C Chen, D Jiang, W Li, Y Zhang
The European Journal of Finance 28 (4-5), 397-415, 2022
Does more managerial power impede or promote corporate tax avoidance? Evidence from listed Chinese companies
Y Tang, Y Liu, J Liu, W Li
Sustainability 11 (7), 1914, 2019
Does air quality affect firms’ investment efficiency? Evidence from China
D Jiang, W Li, Y Shen, Y Zhang
International Review of Economics & Finance 79, 1-17, 2022
Funding research in universities: do government resources act as a complement or substitute to industry funding?
Y Wang, Y Chen, W Li, T Wang, L Guo, J Li-Yang, J Huang
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 33 (1), 1377-1393, 2020
Bilateral rent‐seeking and growth of FDI inflow in China: Theory and evidence
S Keng, CC Lee, W Li, JH Shen
Contemporary Economic Policy 38 (2), 359-379, 2020
Keeping up with the CSR Joneses: The impact of industry peers on focal firms’ CSR performance
C Chen, D Jiang, W Li
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (1), 1-12, 2023
Technology and innovation in China: A patent citation-based analysis
J Huang, W Li, X Huang, Y Wang, L Guo
Science, Technology and Society, 0971721820932020, 2020
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