Drew Atchison
Drew Atchison
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Early college, continued success: Longer-term impact of early college high schools
M Song, K Zeiser, D Atchison, I Brodziak de los Reyes
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 14 (1), 116-142, 2021
Dual-credit education programs in Texas: Phase II
T Miller, H Kosiewicz, C Tanenbaum, D Atchison, D Knight, B Ratway, ...
Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research, 2018
Massachusetts Study of Teacher Supply and Demand: Trends and Projections.
J Levin, A Berg-Jacobson, D Atchison, K Lee, E Vontsolos
American Institutes for Research, 2015
The additional cost of operating rural schools: Evidence from Vermont
T Kolbe, BD Baker, D Atchison, J Levin, P Harris
AERA open 7, 2332858420988868, 2021
The costs and benefits of early college high schools
D Atchison, KL Zeiser, S Mohammed, DS Knight, J Levin
Education Finance and Policy 16 (4), 659-689, 2021
Weathering the storm: School funding in the COVID-19 era
BD Baker, M Weber, D Atchison
Phi Delta Kappan 102 (1), 8-13, 2020
What does it cost to educate California’s students? A professional judgment approach
J Levin, I Brodziak de los Reyes, D Atchison, K Manship, M Arellanes, ...
Getting Down to the Facts II. Stanford, CA: Stanford, University, 2018
Did states’ adoption of more rigorous standards lead to improved student achievement? Evidence from a comparative interrupted time series study of standards-based reform
M Song, MS Garet, R Yang, D Atchison
American Educational Research Journal 59 (3), 610-647, 2022
The impact of priority school designation under ESEA flexibility in New York State
D Atchison
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 13 (1), 121-146, 2020
Study of Title I schoolwide and targeted assistance programs
KC Le Floch, J Levin, D Atchison, C Tanenbaum, S Hurlburt, K Manship, ...
Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, US Department of …, 2018
The Impact of Early Colleges on Students’ Postsecondary Education Trajectories: Can Early Colleges Overcome the (Supposedly) Diversionary Role of Community Colleges?
KL Zeiser, M Song, D Atchison
Research in Higher Education 62 (5), 600-622, 2021
Personalizing Student Learning with Station Rotation: A Descriptive Study.
E Fulbeck, D Atchison, J Giffin, D Seidel, M Eccleston
American Institutes for Research, 2020
Forgotten equity: The promise and subsequent dismantling of education finance reform in New York State
D Atchison
Education Policy Analysis Archives 27, 143-143, 2019
Districts’ use of weighted student funding systems to increase school autonomy and equity: Findings from a national study
J Levin, K Manship, S Hurlburt, D Atchison, R Yamaguchi, A Hall, ...
US Department of Education. Retrieved from: www2. ed. gov, 2019
Exploring the Quality of School-Level Expenditure Data: Practices and Lessons Learned in Nine Sites.
D Atchison, B Baker, J Levin, K Manship
Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, US Department of …, 2017
Equity and adequacy of New Hampshire school funding: A cost modeling approach
D Atchison, J Levin, B Baker, T Kolbe
American Institutes for Research: https://carsey. unh. edu/sites/default …, 2020
COVID-19 and the Squeeze on State Education Budgets: Equity Implications for New York State. Making Research Relevant.
D Atchison
American Institutes for Research, 2020
Districts' Use of Weighted Student Funding Systems to Increase School Autonomy and Equity: Findings from a National Study. Volume 1--Final Report.
J Levin, K Manship, S Hurlburt, D Atchison, R Yamaguchi, A Hall, ...
Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, US Department of …, 2019
Study of Spending in Public Charter and Traditional Schools in California. Making Research Relevant.
D Atchison, J Levin, IB de los Reyes
American Institutes for Research, 2018
Study of funding provided to public schools and public charter schools in Maryland
J Levin, B Baker, D Atchison, I Brodziak, A Boyle, A Hall, J Becker
American Institutes for Research, 2016
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