Pranay Lal
Pranay Lal
Senior Advisor, Health System Transformation Platform
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Tobacco control in India
KS Reddy, PC Gupta
New delhi: ministry of health and family welfare, Government of India, 43-47, 2004
Language in tuberculosis services: can we change to patient-centred terminology and stop the paradigm of blaming the patients?[Perspectives]
R Zachariah, AD Harries, S Srinath, S Ram, K Viney, E Singogo, P Lal, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 16 (6), 714-717, 2012
Correlates of tobacco quit attempts and cessation in the adult population of India: secondary analysis of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2009–10
S Srivastava, S Malhotra, AD Harries, P Lal, M Arora
BMC public health 13, 1-8, 2013
Smoking trends among women in India: Analysis of nationally representative surveys (1993–2009)
S Goel, JP Tripathy, RJ Singh, P Lal
South Asian journal of cancer 3 (04), 200-202, 2014
How Compliant are Tobacco Vendors to India’s Tobacco Control Legislation on Ban of Advertisments at Point of Sale? A Three Jurisdictions Review
AC Sonu Goel1*, Ravinder Kumar2, Pranay Lal2, JP Tripathi3, Rana J Singh2 ...
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15, 10637-10643, 2014
How good is compliance with smoke-free legislation in India? Results of 38 subnational surveys
R Kumar, S Goel, AD Harries, P Lal, RJ Singh, AMV Kumar, NC Wilson
International health 6 (3), 189-195, 2014
Second-hand smoke: a neglected public health challenge
RJ Singh, PG Lal
Indian journal of public health 55 (3), 192-198, 2011
Attributable deaths from smoking in the last 100 years in India
PG Lal, NC Wilson, PC Gupta
Current science, 1085-1090, 2012
Agronomic and morpho-physiological analysis of growth and productivity in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.)
S Chaturvedi, P Lal, AP Singh, MK Tripathi
Annals of Biology (India) 20 (2), 2004
Bidi–A short history
P Lal
Current Science 96 (10), 1335-1337, 2009
Dual burden of smoked and smokeless tobacco use in India, 2009–2017: a repeated cross-sectional analysis based on global adult tobacco survey
PK Singh, A Yadav, P Lal, DN Sinha, PC Gupta, L Swasticharan, S Singh, ...
Nicotine and Tobacco Research 22 (12), 2196-2202, 2020
Education differential in relation to tobacco use and its predictors across different regions of India
D Sharma, S Goel, P Lal
Indian Journal of Cancer 54 (3), 584-588, 2017
Compliance surveys: an effective tool to validate smoke-free public places in four jurisdictions in India [Notes from the field]
PG Lal, NC Wilson, RJ Singh
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 15 (4), 565-566, 2011
Assessing compliance to smoke-free legislation: results of a sub-national survey in Himachal Pradesh, India
NCW Ravinder Kumar, Gopal Chauhan, Srinath Satyanarayana, Pranay Lal, Rana J ...
WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health 2 (1), 52-57, 2013
Tobacco industry interference index: implementation of the World Health Organization’s framework convention on tobacco control article 5.3 in India
A Chugh, S Bassi, GP Nazar, U Bhojani, C Alexander, P Lal, PC Gupta, ...
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 32 (4), 172-178, 2020
The Single Cigarette Economy in India - a Back of the Envelope Survey to Estimate its Magnitude
GS Pranay Lal1*, Ravinder Kumar1, Shreelekha Ray2, Narinder Sharma3 ...
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 16, 5579-5582, 2015
The perverse economics of the bidi and tendu trade
PG Lal, NC Wilson
Economic and Political Weekly, 77-80, 2012
Predictors of tobacco use among youth in India: GATS 2009-2010 survey
S Sharma, M Singh, P Lal, S Goel
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 16 (17), 7535-7540, 2015
Estimating the size of tendu leaf and bidi trade using a simple back-of-the-envelop method
P Lal
Ambio 41 (3), 315-318, 2012
How effective is tobacco control enforcement to protect minors: Results from subnational surveys across four districts in India
S Goel, R Kumar, P Lal, RJ Singh
International Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases 1 (3), 116-121, 2016
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