Africa: Out of debt, into fiscal space? Dynamic fiscal impact of the debt relief initiatives on African Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) D Cassimon, B Van Campenhout, M Ferry, M Raffinot International Economics 144, 29-52, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
Taxation, infrastructure, and firm performance in developing countries L Chauvet, M Ferry Public Choice 187, 455-480, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Volatility widens inequality. Could aid and remittances help? L Chauvet, M Ferry, P Guillaumont, S Guillaumont Jeanneney, ... Review of World Economics 155, 71-104, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
Curse or blessing? Has the impact of debt relief lived up to expectations? A review of the effects of the multilateral debt relief initiatives for low-income countries M Ferry, M Raffinot The Journal of Development Studies 55 (9), 1867-1891, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
Does debt relief “irresistibly attract banks as honey attracts bees”? Evidence from low-income countries’ debt relief programs M Ferry, M Raffinot, B Venet International Review of Law and Economics 66, 105978, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
The carrot and stick approach to debt relief: overcoming moral hazard M Ferry Journal of African Economies 28 (3), 252-276, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
La dette des pays en développement M Raffinot, M Ferry La Découverte, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Low Income Countries and External Public Financing: Does Debt Relief Change Anything? M Ferry, M Raffinot, B Venet | 5 | 2019 |
Réductions de dette, aléa moral et ré-endettement des pays à faible revenu M Ferry, M Raffinot Techniques financières & développement, 51-66, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
L'efficacité de l'aide: Quelles évolutions de la littérature depuis deux décennies? L Chauvet, M Ferry FERDI Document de travail, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Debt sustainability in Africa: state of play and future challenges M Terrieux, B Jonveaux, M Ferry Agence française de développement Working Paper, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
The rise in international bond issuance by low-income African countries: a shift of pattern or a fashion that already fades away? M Raffinot, M Ferry, G Donnat UMR LEDa, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Emerging powers, governance and development M Ferry, HJ Swedlund Handbook on Governance and Development, 356-374, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
La soutenabilité des dettes en Afrique: état des lieux et enjeux futurs M Ferry, B Jonveaux, M Terrieux MacroDev, 1-43, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Le surendettement nouveau et les pays africains «frontiere» face au mur de la dette M Raffinot, B Sene, M Ferry DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation) Working Papers, 2024 | | 2024 |
L’efficacité de l’aide: quelles évolutions de la littérature depuis deux décennies? WP329 L Chauvet, M Ferry | | 2023 |
Foreign Aid and Power Play: Political Cycle in World Bank's Procurement Allocation A Boucher, L Chauvet, M Ferry The 70th Congress of the French Economic Association (AFSE), 2022 | | 2022 |
Less debt, more schooling? Evidence from cross-country micro data M Ferry, M de Talancé, M Niño-Zarazúa Journal of Comparative Economics 50 (1), 153-173, 2022 | | 2022 |
Quel bilan tirer des initiatives d'annulation de la dette des pays pauvres très endettés? M Ferry Revue d’économie financière, 225-240, 2021 | | 2021 |
Development financing pitted against COVID-19 M Raffinot, M Ferry, B Sène L'Economie politique 90 (2), 93-100, 2021 | | 2021 |