Marketing i menadžment u kulturi i umjetnosti J Pavičić, N Alfirević, L Aleksić | 131 | 2006 |
e-Learning process management and the e-learning performance: Results of a European empirical study M Ćukušić, N Alfirević, A Granić, Ž Garača Computers & Education 55 (2), 554-565, 2010 | 122 | 2010 |
Osnove marketinga i menadžmenta neprofitnih organizacija N Alfirević, J Pavičić, L Najev Čačija, Z Mihanović, J Matković | 114 | 2013 |
From five competitive forces to five collaborative forces: revised view on industry structure-firm interrelationship Ž Dulčić, V Gnjidić, N Alfirević Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 58, 1077-1084, 2012 | 89 | 2012 |
Market orientation in managing relationships with multiple constituencies of Croatian higher education J Pavičić, N Alfirević, Z Mihanović Higher education 57 (2), 191-207, 2009 | 83 | 2009 |
Market orientation, competitive advantage and business performance: Exploring the indirect effects A Talaja, D Miočević, N Alfirević, J Pavičić Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 26 (4), 583-604, 2017 | 77 | 2017 |
The management and marketing of religious sites, pilgrimage and religious events: challenges for Roman Catholic pilgrimages in Croatia. J Pavicic, N Alfirevic, VJ Batarelo Religious tourism and pilgrimage festivals management: An international …, 2007 | 58 | 2007 |
Customer knowledge management: toward social CRM J Pavicic, N Alfirevic, K Znidar International Journal of Management Cases 13 (3), 203-209, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Organizational change in transition societies J Langer, N Alfirevic, J Pavicic Routledge, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |
Potencijal velikih hrvatskih poduzeća za upravljanje organizacijskim promjenama: rezultati empirijskog istraživanja N Alfirević Ekonomski pregled 51 (11-12), 1256-1281, 2000 | 33 | 2000 |
Information system maturity and the hospitality enterprise performance D Garbin Praničević, N Alfirević, M Indihar Štemberger Economic and Business Review 13 (4), 2, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |
Upravljanje organizacijskim promjenama i znanjem N Alfirević, D Garbin Praničević, A Talaja Ekonomski fakultet, Split, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Performance of non-profit organizations: Empirical contrasts between privately and publicly funded Croatian humanitarian organizations N Alfirevic, J Pavicic, LN Cacija Economic annals 59 (200), 115-130, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
The tax burden on labour in Croatia I Urban Newsletter 47, 2009 | 26* | 2009 |
School management innovation and principal support systems: toward the agenda for Croatian school reform N Alfirević, J Pavičić, R Relja Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 29 (1), 1150-1164, 2016 | 25 | 2016 |
Intentions and perceptions of the entrepreneurial career among Croatian students: initial results of a longitudinal empirical study J Langer, N Alfirević, J Pavičić, M Krneta Contemporary Entrepreneurship: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Innovation …, 2016 | 24 | 2016 |
Higher education challenges: Developing skills to address contemporary economic and sustainability issues B Aver, A Fošner, N Alfirević Sustainability 13 (22), 12567, 2021 | 23 | 2021 |
Konkurentska sposobnost velikih poduzeća i upravljanje organizacijskim promjenama N Alfirević Ekonomski fakultet u Splitu, 2003 | 21 | 2003 |
School effectiveness and educational management: Towards a South-Eastern Europe research and public policy agenda N Alfirević, J Burušić, J Pavičić, R Relja Springer, 2016 | 19* | 2016 |
Stakeholder-oriented principal development in Croatian elementary schools/Razvoj orijentacija ravnatelja u hrvatskim osnovnim skolama prema kljucnim dionicima N Alfirevic, J Pavicic, Z Mihanovic, R Relja Revija za socijalnu politiku 18 (1), 47-61, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |