Constructed wetlands for water quality improvement GA Moshiri CRC Press, 2020 | 694 | 2020 |
Nitrate and organic N analyses with second-derivative spectroscopy WG Crumpton, TM Isenhart, PD Mitchell Limnol. Oceanogr 37 (4), 907-913, 1992 | 508 | 1992 |
Factors affecting nitrogen loss in experimental wetlands with different hydrologic loads RG Phipps, WG Crumpton Ecological Engineering 3 (4), 399-408, 1994 | 217 | 1994 |
A simple and reliable method for making permanent mounts of phytoplankton for light and fluorescence microscopy 1 WG Crumpton Limnology and Oceanography 32 (5), 1154-1159, 1987 | 128 | 1987 |
Rating curve estimation of nutrient loads in Iowa rivers GA Stenback, WG Crumpton, KE Schilling, MJ Helmers Journal of Hydrology 396 (1-2), 158-169, 2011 | 125 | 2011 |
Using wetlands for water quality improvement in agricultural watersheds; the importance of a watershed scale approach WG Crumpton Water Science and Technology 44 (11-12), 559-564, 2001 | 115 | 2001 |
Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico VH Dale, D Wright, CL Kling, W Boynton, JL Meyer, K Mankin, J Sanders, ... Springer New York, 2010 | 111 | 2010 |
Effects of differential growth and mortality in the seasonal succession of phytoplankton populations in Lawrence Lake, Michigan WG Crumpton, RG Wetzel Ecology 63 (6), 1729-1739, 1982 | 111 | 1982 |
Effects of emergent macrophytes on dissolved oxygen dynamics in a prairie pothole wetland C Rose, WG Crumpton Wetlands 16, 495-502, 1996 | 106 | 1996 |
Spatial distribution of historical wetland classes on the Des Moines Lobe, Iowa BA Miller, WG Crumpton, AG Van der Valk Wetlands 29, 1146-1152, 2009 | 98 | 2009 |
Predicting effects of drainage water management in Iowa's subsurface drained landscapes R Singh, MJ Helmers, WG Crumpton, DW Lemke Agricultural water management 92 (3), 162-170, 2007 | 90 | 2007 |
Potential benefits of wetland filters for tile drainage systems: Impact on nitrate loads to Mississippi River subbasins W Crumpton, G Stenback, M Helmers, B Miller, B Miller | 88 | 2006 |
Estimating nitrate load reductions from placing constructed wetlands in a HUC-12 watershed using LiDAR data MD Tomer, WG Crumpton, RL Bingner, JA Kostel, DE James Ecological Engineering 56, 69-78, 2013 | 68 | 2013 |
Increased extreme precipitation challenges nitrogen load management to the Gulf of Mexico C Lu, J Zhang, H Tian, WG Crumpton, MJ Helmers, WJ Cai, ... Communications Earth & Environment 1 (1), 21, 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
Subsurface drainage in Iowa and the water quality benefits and problem JL Baker, SW Melvin, DW Lemke, PA Lawlor, WG Crumpton, MJ Helmers Drainage VIII, 21-24 March 2004, 1, 2004 | 58 | 2004 |
Distribution and environmental fate of pesticides in prairie wetlands LG Goldsborough, WG Crumpton Great Plains Research, 73-95, 1998 | 57 | 1998 |
Fate of non-point source nitrate loads in freshwater wetlands: results from experimental wetland mesocosms WG Crumpton, TM Isenhart, SW Fisher Constructed wetlands for water quality improvement, 283-291, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
Nitrogen transformation and fate in prairie wetlands WG Crumpton, LG Goldsborough Great Plains Research, 57-72, 1998 | 44 | 1998 |
Light availability and growth of wildcelery (Vallisneria americana) in upper Mississippi River backwaters A Kimber, JL Owens, WG Crumpton Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 11 (2), 167-174, 1995 | 44 | 1995 |
Atrazine tolerance of algae isolated from two agricultural streams CM Hersh, WG Crumpton Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 8 (4), 327-332, 1989 | 41 | 1989 |