Young Jong Lee
Young Jong Lee
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High-speed coherent Raman fingerprint imaging of biological tissues
CH Camp Jr, YJ Lee, JM Heddleston, CM Hartshorn, ARH Walker, ...
Nature photonics 8 (8), 627-634, 2014
Single-molecule spectroscopy of conjugated polymers
PF Barbara, AJ Gesquiere, SJ Park, YJ Lee
Accounts of chemical research 38 (7), 602-610, 2005
LTB4 is a signal-relay molecule during neutrophil chemotaxis
PV Afonso, M Janka-Junttila, YJ Lee, CP McCann, CM Oliver, KA Aamer, ...
Developmental cell 22 (5), 1079-1091, 2012
The effect of 3D hydrogel scaffold modulus on osteoblast differentiation and mineralization revealed by combinatorial screening
K Chatterjee, S Lin-Gibson, WE Wallace, SH Parekh, YJ Lee, ...
Biomaterials 31 (19), 5051-5062, 2010
Broadband CARS spectral phase retrieval using a time-domain Kramers–Kronig transform
Y Liu, YJ Lee, MT Cicerone
Optics letters 34 (9), 1363-1365, 2009
Label-free cellular imaging by broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
SH Parekh, YJ Lee, KA Aamer, MT Cicerone
Biophysical journal 99 (8), 2695-2704, 2010
Maximum entropy and time‐domain Kramers–Kronig phase retrieval approaches are functionally equivalent for CARS microspectroscopy
MT Cicerone, KA Aamer, YJ Lee, E Vartiainen
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 43 (5), 637-643, 2012
Quantitative, comparable coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopy: correcting errors in phase retrieval
CH Camp Jr, YJ Lee, MT Cicerone
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 47 (4), 408-415, 2016
Quantitative image analysis of broadband CARS hyperspectral images of polymer blends
YJ Lee, D Moon, KB Migler, MT Cicerone
Analytical chemistry 83 (7), 2733-2739, 2011
Multicomponent chemical imaging of pharmaceutical solid dosage forms with broadband CARS microscopy
CM Hartshorn, YJ Lee, CH Camp Jr, Z Liu, J Heddleston, N Canfield, ...
Analytical chemistry 85 (17), 8102-8111, 2013
Vibrational dephasing time imaging by time-resolved broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
YJ Lee, MT Cicerone
Applied Physics Letters 92 (4), 2008
Characterization of three-color CARS in a two-pulse broadband CARS spectrum
YJ Lee, Y Liu, MT Cicerone
Optics letters 32 (22), 3370-3372, 2007
Optimized continuum from a photonic crystal fiber for broadband time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
YJ Lee, SH Parekh, YH Kim, MT Cicerone
Optics express 18 (5), 4371-4379, 2010
Fast extraction of resonant vibrational response from CARS spectra with arbitrary nonresonant background
Y Liu, YJ Lee, MT Cicerone
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy: An International Journal for Original Work in …, 2009
Stoichiometric analysis of competing intermolecular hydrogen bonds using infrared spectroscopy
IS Ryu, X Liu, Y Jin, J Sun, YJ Lee
RSC advances 8 (42), 23481-23488, 2018
Single molecule modulation spectroscopy of conjugated polymers
AJ Gesquiere, YJ Lee, J Yu, PF Barbara
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (25), 12366-12371, 2005
Quantitative, label-free characterization of stem cell differentiation at the single-cell level by broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
YJ Lee, SL Vega, PJ Patel, KA Aamer, PV Moghe, MT Cicerone
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 20 (7), 562-569, 2014
Variable Temperature Single‐Molecule Dynamics of MEH‐PPV
YJ Lee, DY Kim, JK Grey, PF Barbara
ChemPhysChem 6 (11), 2404-2409, 2005
Effect of sample preparation and excitation conditions on the single molecule spectroscopy of conjugated polymers
YJ Lee, DY Kim, PF Barbara
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (20), 9739-9742, 2006
Phonon dephasing and population decay dynamics of the G-band of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes
YJ Lee, SH Parekh, JA Fagan, MT Cicerone
Physical Review B 82 (16), 165432, 2010
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