Galen Mullins
Galen Mullins
在 umd.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Adaptive generation of challenging scenarios for testing and evaluation of autonomous vehicles
GE Mullins, PG Stankiewicz, RC Hawthorne, SK Gupta
Journal of Systems and Software 137, 197-215, 2018
Automated generation of diverse and challenging scenarios for test and evaluation of autonomous vehicles
GE Mullins, PG Stankiewicz, SK Gupta
2017 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 1443-1450, 2017
Improving evaluation methodology for autonomous surface vessel colregs compliance
PG Stankiewicz, GE Mullins
OCEANS 2019-Marseille, 1-7, 2019
Accelerated testing and evaluation of autonomous vehicles via imitation learning
GE Mullins, AG Dress, PG Stankiewicz, JD Appler, SK Gupta
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5636-5642, 2018
Determining Performance of Autonomy Decision-Making Engines
RC Hawthorne, GE Mullins, PG Stankiewicz
US Patent App. 16/152,520, 2019
Delivering test and evaluation tools for autonomous unmanned vehicles to the fleet
G Mullins, PG Stankiewicz, RC Hawthorne, JD Appler, MH Biggins, ...
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest (Applied Physics Laboratory) 33, 279-288, 2017
Adversarial blocking techniques for autonomous surface vehicles using model-predictive motion goal computation
GE Mullins, SK Gupta
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Adaptive sampling methods for testing autonomous systems
G Mullins
University of Maryland, College Park, 2018
A motion planning approach for marsupial robotic systems
PG Stankiewicz, S Jenkins, GE Mullins, KC Wolfe, MS Johannes, ...
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Imitation learning with approximated behavior cloning loss
CA Lowman, JS McClellan, GE Mullins
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2021
An Adaptive Sampling Approach for Evaluating Robot Self-Righting Capabilities
GE Mullins, C Kessens, SK Gupta
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (4), 4233-4240, 2018
Formal verification of neural network controllers for collision-free flight
D Genin, I Papusha, J Brulé, T Young, G Mullins, Y Kouskoulas, R Wu, ...
International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification, 147-164, 2021
Formal Verification of Neural Network Controllers for Collision-Free Flight
G Mullins, Y Kouskoulas, R Wu, A Schmidt
Software Verification: 13th International Conference, VSTTE 2021, New Haven …, 2022
Search-Based Testing Methods for Evaluating the Resilience of Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
GE Mullins, PG Stankiewicz, MA Huntley
Motion Planning for Marsupial Robotic Systems
P Stankiewicz, S Jenkins, G Mullins, K Wolfe, J Moore
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