Does multiculturalism menace? Governance, cultural rights and the politics of identity in Guatemala CR Hale Journal of latin american studies 34 (3), 485-524, 2002 | 1681 | 2002 |
Neoliberal multiculturalism: the remaking of cultural rights and racial dominance in Central America CR Hale PoLAR 28, 10, 2005 | 1090 | 2005 |
Activist research v. cultural critique: Indigenous land rights and the contradictions of politically engaged anthropology CR Hale Cultural anthropology 21 (1), 96-120, 2006 | 1027 | 2006 |
Rethinking indigenous politics in the era of the “indio permitido” C Hale NACLA Report on the Americas 38 (2), 16-21, 2004 | 849 | 2004 |
Engaging contradictions: Theory, politics, and methods of activist scholarship CR Hale Univ of California Press, 2008 | 844 | 2008 |
Más que un indio: More than an Indian: Racial ambivalence and neoliberal Multiculturalism in Guatemala CR Hale (No Title), 2009 | 710 | 2009 |
Resistance and contradiction: Miskitu Indians and the Nicaraguan state, 1894-1987 CR Hale Stanford University Press, 1994 | 606 | 1994 |
Cultural politics of identity in Latin America CR Hale Annual review of anthropology 26 (1), 567-590, 1997 | 410 | 1997 |
What is activist research CR Hale Social Science Research Council 2 (1-2), 13-15, 2001 | 377 | 2001 |
Cultural agency and political struggle in the era of the indio permitido C Hale, R Millamán Cultural agency in the Americas, 281-304, 2006 | 228 | 2006 |
Resistencia para que? Territory, autonomy and neoliberal entanglements in the ‘empty spaces' of Central America CR Hale Rights, Cultures, Subjects and Citizens, 17-43, 2013 | 217 | 2013 |
Mestizaje, Hybridity, and the Cultural Politics of Difference in Post‐Revolutionary Central America CR Hale Journal of Latin American Anthropology 2 (1), 34-61, 1996 | 188 | 1996 |
Rights, Resources, and the Social Memory of Struggle: Reflections and Black Community Land Rights on Nicaragua's Atlantic Coast ET Gordon, CR Hale Human organization 62 (4), 369-381, 2003 | 150 | 2003 |
El protagonismo indígena, las políticas estatales y el nuevo racismo en la época del ‘indio permitido’ C Hale Memoria del Congreso Internacional de MINUGUA “Construyendo la paz …, 2004 | 131 | 2004 |
Between Che Guevara and the Pachamama: Mestizos, Indians and identity politics in the anti-quincentenary campaign CR Hale Critique of Anthropology 14 (1), 9-39, 1994 | 130 | 1994 |
Ca* Forum on Anthropology in Public: Consciousness, Violence, and the Politics of Memory in Guatemala CR Hale Current anthropology 38 (5), 817-838, 1997 | 120 | 1997 |
Territorialidad, mapeo participativo y política sobre los recursos naturales: la experiencia de América Latina B Sletto, J Bryan, M Torrado, C Hale, D Barry Cuadernos de Geografía: revista colombiana de geografía 22 (2), 193-209, 2013 | 99 | 2013 |
¿ Puede el multiculturalismo ser una amenaza? Gobernanza, derechos culturales y política de la identidad en Guatemala C Hale, R Millamán Antropología del Estado. Dominación y prácticas contestatarias en América …, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |
Travel warning: Elite appropriations of hybridity, mestizaje, antiracism, equality, and other progressive-sounding discourses in highland Guatemala CR Hale Journal of American Folklore 112 (445), 297-315, 1999 | 91 | 1999 |
In praise of “reckless minds”: making a case for activist anthropology CR Hale Anthropology put to work, 103-127, 2020 | 78 | 2020 |