Peter Thomas
Peter Thomas
Physiotherapist, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
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Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: clinical practice recommendations
P Thomas, C Baldwin, B Bissett, I Boden, R Gosselink, CL Granger, ...
Journal of Physiotherapy 66 (2), 73-82, 2020
Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: clinical practice recommendations
P Thomas, C Baldwin, B Bissett, I Boden, R Gosselink, CL Granger, ...
Journal of Physiotherapy 66 (2), 73-82, 2020
Intensive care unit mobility practices in Australia and New Zealand: a point prevalence study
S Berney, M Harrold, S Webb, I Seppelt, S Patman, P Thomas, L Denehy
Critical Care and Resuscitation 15 (4), 260-265, 2013
Erratum to “Long term functional outcomes and quality of life following severe burn injury”[Burns 31 (6)(2005) 692–695]
M Druery, TLH Brown, M Muller
Burns 32 (6), 796, 2006
Long term functional outcomes and quality of life following severe burn injury
M Druery, TLH Brown, M Muller
Burns 31 (6), 692-695, 2005
A randomised controlled study of the efficacy of hypromellose and Lacri-Lube combination versus polyethylene/Cling wrap to prevent corneal epithelial breakdown in the …
N Koroloff, R Boots, J Lipman, P Thomas, C Rickard, F Coyer
Intensive care medicine 30 (6), 1122-1126, 2004
Is continuous infusion ceftriaxone better than once-a-day dosing in intensive care? A randomized controlled pilot study
JA Roberts, R Boots, CM Rickard, P Thomas, J Quinn, DM Roberts, ...
Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 59 (2), 285-291, 2007
Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: recommendations to guide clinical practice
P Thomas, C Baldwin, B Bissett, I Boden, R Gosselink, CL Granger, ...
Pneumon 33 (1), 32-35, 2020
A prospective, randomized trial of rifampicin-minocycline-coated and silver-platinum-carbon-impregnated central venous catheters*
D Fraenkel, C Rickard, P Thomas, J Faoagali, N George, R Ware
Critical care medicine 34 (3), 668-675, 2006
Serum procalcitonin and C-reactive protein as markers of sepsis and outcome in patients with neurotrauma and subarachnoid haemorrhage.
E Oconnor, B Venkatesh, C Mashongonyika, J Lipman, J Hall, P Thomas
Anaesthesia and intensive care 32 (4), 465-470, 2004
Standing with the assistance of a tilt table improves minute ventilation in chronic critically ill patients
AT Chang, RJ Boots, PW Hodges, PJ Thomas, JD Paratz
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 85 (12), 1972-1976, 2004
The impact of COVID-19 critical illness on new disability, functional outcomes and return to work at 6 months: a prospective cohort study
CL Hodgson, AM Higgins, MJ Bailey, AM Mather, L Beach, R Bellomo, ...
Critical Care 25 (1), 1-12, 2021
Low mannose‐binding lectin function is associated with sepsis in adult patients
DP Eisen, MM Dean, P Thomas, P Marshall, N Gerns, S Heatley, J Quinn, ...
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 48 (2), 274-282, 2006
Lateral positioning of ventilated intensive care patients: a study of oxygenation, respiratory mechanics, hemodynamics, and adverse events
PJ Thomas, JD Paratz, J Lipman, WR Stanton
Heart & Lung 36 (4), 277-286, 2007
Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting and beyond: an update to clinical practice recommendations
P Thomas, C Baldwin, L Beach, B Bissett, I Boden, SM Cruz, R Gosselink, ...
Journal of physiotherapy, 2021
Evidence of altered cortisol metabolism in critically ill patients: a prospective study
B Venkatesh, J Cohen, I Hickman, J Nisbet, P Thomas, G Ward, J Hall, ...
Intensive care medicine 33 (10), 1746-1753, 2007
Comparison of 6-Month Outcomes of COVID-19 vs Non-COVID-19 Survivors of Critical Illness
CL Hodgson, AM Higgins, MJ Bailey, AM Mather, L Beach, R Bellomo, ...
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2022
Minimum standards of clinical practice for physiotherapists working in critical care settings in Australia and New Zealand: a modified Delphi technique
EH Skinner, P Thomas, JC Reeve, S Patman
Physiotherapy theory and practice 32 (6), 468-482, 2016
Do burn patients cost more? The intensive care unit costs of burn patients compared with controls matched for length of stay and acuity
V Patil, JM Dulhunty, A Udy, P Thomas, G Kucharski, J Lipman
Journal of Burn Care & Research 31 (4), 598-602, 2010
Secretion clearance strategies in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units
G Ntoumenopoulos, N Hammond, NR Watts, K Thompson, G Hanlon, ...
Australian Critical Care 31 (4), 191-196, 2018
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