Eve Honoré
Eve Honoré
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Anatomical and molecular characterization of dopamine D1 receptor-expressing neurons of the mouse CA1 dorsal hippocampus
E Puighermanal, L Cutando, J Boubaker-Vitre, E Honoré, S Longueville, ...
Brain Structure and Function 222, 1897-1911, 2017
Regulation of hippocampal memory by mTORC1 in somatostatin interneurons
J Artinian, A Jordan, A Khlaifia, E Honoré, A La Fontaine, AS Racine, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (43), 8439-8456, 2019
Hippocampal somatostatin interneurons, long-term synaptic plasticity and memory
E Honoré, A Khlaifia, A Bosson, JC Lacaille
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 15, 687558, 2021
mTORC1 function in hippocampal parvalbumin interneurons: regulation of firing and long-term potentiation of intrinsic excitability but not long-term contextual fear memory and …
A Khlaifia, E Honoré, J Artinian, I Laplante, JC Lacaille
Molecular Brain 15 (1), 56, 2022
Long-term potentiation at pyramidal cell to somatostatin interneuron synapses controls hippocampal network plasticity and memory
A Asgarihafshejani, È Honoré, FX Michon, I Laplante, JC Lacaille
Iscience 25 (5), 2022
Object location learning in mice requires hippocampal somatostatin interneuron activity and is facilitated by mTORC1-mediated long-term potentiation of their excitatory synapses
E Honoré, JC Lacaille
Molecular Brain 15 (1), 101, 2022
Stimulation of protein synthesis by optogenetic and chemical induction of excitatory synaptic plasticity in hippocampal somatostatin interneurons
È Honoré, I Belo do Nascimento, I Laplante, JC Lacaille
Molecular Brain 15 (1), 1-5, 2022
Régulation de la mémoire par la plasticité des interneurones inhibiteurs de l’hippocampe
È Honoré
Regulation of hippocampal memory by mTORC1 in somatostatin interneuron: Hippocampal SOM interneurons, mTORC1 and memory
J Artinian, A Jordan, A Khlaifia, E Honoré, A La Fontaine, AS Racine, ...
bioRxiv, 580670, 2019
Long-term potentiation at pyramidal cell to somatostatin interneuron synapses controls hippocampal network plasticity and memory
E Honore, I Michon, J Laplante, C Lacaille
文章 1–10