Merve Nur Doğu
Laser beam powder bed fusion of nitinol shape memory alloy (SMA)
MA Obeidi, M Monu, C Hughes, D Bourke, MN Dogu, J Francis, M Zhang, ...
journal of materials research and technology 14, 2554-2570, 2021
Laser surface polishing of Ti-6Al-4V parts manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
MA Obeidi, A Mussatto, MN Dogu, SP Sreenilayam, E McCarthy, IU Ahad, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 434, 128179, 2022
Assessing dependency of part properties on the printing location in laser-powder bed fusion metal additive manufacturing
A Mussatto, R Groarke, RK Vijayaraghavan, C Hughes, MA Obeidi, ...
Materials Today Communications 30, 103209, 2022
Recrystallization and grain growth kinetics of IN718 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
MN Doğu, K Davut, MA Obeidi, MA Yalçın, H Gu, TSE Low, J Ginn, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 19, 4242-4257, 2022
Microstructural and texture evolution during thermo-hydrogen processing of Ti6Al4V alloys produced by electron beam melting
MN Doğu, Z Esen, K Davut, E Tan, B Gümüş, AF Dericioglu
Materials Characterization 168, 110549, 2020
Digitisation of metal AM for part microstructure and property control
MN Dogu, E McCarthy, R McCann, V Mahato, A Caputo, M Bambach, ...
International Journal of Material Forming 15 (3), 30, 2022
Effects of powder compression and laser re-melting on the microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured parts in laser-powder bed fusion
MA Obeidi, A Conway, A Mussatto, MN Dogu, SP Sreenilayam, H Ayub, ...
Results in Materials 13, 100264, 2022
Effect of solution heat treatment on the microstructure and crystallographic texture of IN939 fabricated by powder bed fusion-laser beam
MN Doğu, S Ozer, MA Yalçın, K Davut, GM Bilgin, MA Obeidi, H Brodin, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 24, 8909-8923, 2023
High strength bioinspired calcium phosphate-based material for bone repair applications
A Mussatto, MN Doğu, RK Vijayaraghavan, R Groarke, MA Obeidi, ...
Materials Today Communications 33, 104693, 2022
Production of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by 3D electron beam melting technique and development of itspost treatments
MN Doğu
Middle East Technical University, 2019
A comprehensive characterization of the effect of spatter powder on IN939 parts fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
MN Doğu, A Mussatto, MA Yalçın, S Ozer, K Davut, MA Obeidi, A Kumar, ...
Materials & Design 235, 112406, 2023
Designing thermochemical processes for ti-alloys produced by additive manufacturing techniques
Z Esen, MN Doğu, GM Bilgin, E Tan, B Berkay Gümüş, AF Dericioğlu
Üç Boyutlu Elektron Demeti Eritme (EDE) Yöntemiyle Üretilen Ti-6Al-4V Alaşım Parçalarının Mekanik Özelliklerinin ve İçyapısının İkincil İşlemlerle Geliştirilmesi
AF Dericioğlu, MN Doğu
İleri Biyomalzemeler: Biyomalzeme ve Nanomalzeme Uygulamaları
MN Doğu, B Ercan
Property Development of EBM Processed Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Through Hydrogen Treatments
MN Doğu, Z Esen, E Tan, B Gümüş, AF Dericioğlu
Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate Particles for Orthopedic Applications
CM Oral, MN Doğu, B Ercan
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