Jacob Gettig
Jacob Gettig
Assistant Director of Accreditation Services at the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
在 acpe-accredit.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Impact of a student response system on short-and long-term learning in a drug literature evaluation course
FC Liu, JP Gettig, N Fjortoft
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 74 (1), 6, 2010
Faropenem medoxomil
JP Gettig, CW Crank, AH Philbrick
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 42 (1), 80-90, 2008
Graduating pharmacy students’ perspectives on e-professionalism and social media
GL Ness, AH Sheehan, ME Snyder, J Jordan, JE Cunningham, JP Gettig
American journal of pharmaceutical education 77 (7), 146, 2013
Perceived value of a pharmacy resident teaching certificate program
JP Gettig, AH Sheehan
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 72 (5), 2008
Teaching and learning curriculum programs: recommendations for postgraduate pharmacy experiences in education
EA Wright, B Brown, J Gettig, JL Martello, KS McClendon, KM Smith, ...
American journal of health-system pharmacy 71 (15), 1292-1302, 2014
Hp Acthar gel and cosyntropin review: clinical and financial implications
J Gettig, JP Cummings, K Matuszewski
Pharmacy and Therapeutics 34 (5), 250, 2009
An analysis of motivation factors for students’ pursuit of leadership positions
JA Phillips, MM McLaughlin, JP Gettig, JR Fajiculay, MR Advincula
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 79 (1), 08, 2015
Student characteristics associated with successful matching to a PGY1 residency program
JA Phillips, MM McLaughlin, C Rose, JC Gallagher, JP Gettig, NJ Rhodes
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 80 (5), 84, 2016
Methamphetamine: putting the brakes on speed
JP Gettig, SE Grady, I Nowosadzka
The Journal of school nursing 22 (2), 66-73, 2006
Teaching innovation and creativity, or teaching to the test?
N Fjortoft, J Gettig, M Verdone
American journal of pharmaceutical education 82 (10), 2018
Comparing pharmacy practice faculty perceptions of first-year post-graduate residency (PGY1) selection criteria to those reported by PGY1 residency directors
EW Blake, D Friesner, JP Gettig, E Hajjar, EJ Gentry, JM Kline
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 7 (1), 20-28, 2015
Examining health care students’ attitudes toward e-professionalism
JP Gettig, S Noronha, J Graneto, L Obucina, KJ Christensen, NF Fjortoft
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 80 (10), 169, 2016
Taking action towards equity, diversity, and inclusion in the pharmacy curriculum and continuing professional development
SA Arif, LM Butler, JP Gettig, MC Purnell, E Rosenberg, HA Truong, ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 87 (2), ajpe8902, 2023
Student and faculty observations and perceptions of professionalism in online domain scenarios
JP Gettig, N Lee, N Fjortoft
American journal of pharmaceutical education 77 (9), 192, 2013
Smartphones, memory, and pharmacy education
N Fjortoft, J Gettig, M Verdone
American journal of pharmaceutical education 82 (3), 2018
Drug information availability and preferences of health care professionals in Illinois: a pilot survey study
JP Gettig
Drug information journal: DIJ/Drug Information Association 42, 263-272, 2008
The current landscape of college-sponsored postgraduate teaching and learning curriculum programs
AH Sheehan, TL Sprunger, V Viswesh, JP Gettig, J Boyle
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 84 (7), ajpe7803, 2020
Analysis of PGY-1 pharmacy resident candidate letters of recommendation at an academically affiliated residency program
MM McLaughlin, D Masic, JP Gettig
Journal of Pharmacy Practice 31 (2), 145-149, 2018
Effect of application score strategy on interviews offered to postgraduate year 1 pharmacy residency applicants
MM McLaughlin, JS Borchert, C Wilson, AO Jensen, JP Gettig
Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 58 (1), 84-88, 2018
A survey of current perceptions of drug information practice and training
JP Gettig, JK Jordan, AH Sheehan
Hospital Pharmacy 44 (4), 325-331, 2009
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