Ralf De Wolf
Managing privacy boundaries together: Exploring individual and group privacy management strategies in Facebook
R De Wolf, K Willaert, J Pierson
Computers in Human Behavior 35, 444-454, 2014
Mobile media and social space: How anytime, anyplace connectivity structures everyday life
MV Abeele, R De Wolf, R Ling
Media and Communication 6 (2), 5-14, 2018
Investigating and comparing the predictors of the intention towards taking security measures against malware, scams and cybercrime in general
M Martens, R De Wolf, L De Marez
Computers in Human Behavior 92, 139-150, 2019
In-between child’s play and teenage pop culture: Tweens, TikTok & privacy
T De Leyn, R De Wolf, M Vanden Abeele, L De Marez
Journal of Youth Studies 25 (8), 1108-1125, 2022
Who shares what with whom and why?: News sharing profiles amongst Flemish news users
I Picone, R De Wolf, S Robijt
The Future of Journalism: Risks, Threats and Opportunities, 118-129, 2020
Contextualizing how teens manage personal and interpersonal privacy on social media
R De Wolf
New media & society 22 (6), 1058-1075, 2020
From persuasive messages to tactics: Exploring children’s knowledge and judgement of new advertising formats
P De Pauw, R De Wolf, L Hudders, V Cauberghe
New Media & Society 20 (7), 2604-2628, 2018
Evaluating social media privacy settings for personal and advertising purposes
R Heyman, R De Wolf, J Pierson
info 16 (4), 18-32, 2014
Teenage sexting on the rise? Results of a cohort study using a weighted sample of adolescents
J Van Ouytsel, M Walrave, L De Marez, K Van Damme, R De Wolf, ...
Sexual Health 17 (2), 178-181, 2020
Teenagers’ reflections on media literacy initiatives at school and everyday media literacy discourses
T De Leyn, C Waeterloos, R De Wolf, B Vanhaelewyn, K Ponnet, ...
Journal of children and media 16 (2), 221-239, 2022
The future of networked privacy: challenges and opportunities
J Vitak, P Wisniewski, X Page, A Lampinen, E Litt, R De Wolf, PG Kelley, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported …, 2015
Who’s my audience again? Understanding audience management strategies for designing privacy management technologies
R De Wolf, J Pierson
Telematics and Informatics 31 (4), 607-616, 2014
Privacy by design through a social requirements analysis of social network sites form a user perspective
R De Wolf, R Heyman, J Pierson
European data protection: Coming of age, 241-265, 2012
Interactive grouping of friends in OSN: towards online context management
B Gao, B Berendt, D Clarke, R De Wolf, T Peetz, J Pierson, R Sayaf
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 555-562, 2012
Self-reflection on privacy research in social networking sites
R De Wolf, E Vanderhoven, B Berendt, J Pierson, T Schellens
Behaviour & Information Technology 36 (5), 459-469, 2017
Group privacy management strategies and challenges in Facebook: A focus group study among Flemish youth organizations
R De Wolf
Cyberpsychology. Journal of psychosocial reserach on cyberspace 10 (1), 2016
Onderzoeksrapport Apestaartjaren: de digitale leefwereld van kinderen en jongeren
H Vanwynsberghe, G Joris, C Waeterloos, S Anrijs, M Vanden Abeele, ...
Mediaraven, 2022
Children’s reflections on privacy and the protection of their personal data: A child-centric approach to data protection information formats
I Milkaite, R De Wolf, E Lievens, T De Leyn, M Martens
Children and Youth Services Review 129, 106170, 2021
Reframing current debates on young people's online privacy by taking into account the cultural construction of youth
T De Leyn, R De Wolf, MV Abeele, L De Marez
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Social Media and Society …, 2019
The promise of audience transparency. Exploring users’ perceptions and behaviors towards visualizations of networked audiences on Facebook
R De Wolf, B Gao, B Berendt, J Pierson
Telematics and Informatics 32 (4), 890-908, 2015
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