Eri Besra
Eri Besra
在 eb.unand.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Potensi wisata kuliner dalam mendukung pariwisata di kota Padang
E Besra
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Bisnis 12 (1), 2012
Pengaruh Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Store Atmosphere Dan Sales Promotion Terhadap Impulse Buying (Survey: Pada Konsumen Kosmetik Transmart Kota Padang)
H Syafri, E Besra
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen 4 (4), 786-802, 2019
Analisis Keterkaitan Store Image, Customer Satisfaction Dan Repurchase Intention (Survei Pada Pelanggan Sjs Plaza)
EF Effendi, E Besra
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen 4 (1), 184-196, 2019
The role of retail image and customer trust on purchase intention of private label product
E Besra, D Kartini, M Hasan
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 4 (4), 215-218, 2015
Pengaruh website quality dan website brand terhadap minat beli online dengan kepercayaan sebagai variabel mediasi (Survei pada konsumen Shopee Kota Padang)
AF Ramialis, E Besra
JRB-Jurnal Riset Bisnis 4 (2), 209-221, 2021
Psycho-cultural perspective on the formation of entrepreneurial culture of Minangkabau tribe in West Sumatra Indonesia
H Rahman, S Oktavia, E Besra
Udayana Journal of Law and Culture 3 (1), 53-77, 2019
Model Penggunaan Website E-Commerce di Indonesia: Analisa Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif
V Pujani, E Besra
Artikel Ilmiah Hibah Bersaing, 2009
Effect Of Perceived Usefulness And Perceived Ease Of Use On Intention To Use Mobile Banking (Brimo) With Attitude As Intervening Variable (Study At Lubuk Basung Sub-Branch …
JA Fachreza, E Besra
Enrichment: Journal of Management 12 (3), 1552-1561, 2022
Pengaruh Service Quality Terhadap Loyalitas Dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Mediator Dalam Industri Farmasi B2B di Sumatera Barat
P Budinewita, E Besra
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa EkonomI Manajemen 5 (3), 589-601, 2020
Culinary Tourism Potential in Supporting Tourism in Padang City
E Besra
Journal of Accounting and Business Research 12 (1), 74-101, 2012
Analysis of Service Quality and Product Quality on User Loyalty of Point of Sales (POS) Applications Mediated by User Satisfaction of Point of Sales (POS) Applications for the …
MF Rehan, M Ma'ruf, E Besra
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal …, 2022
The Effect Of E-Service Quality and Perceived Value On E-Trust With E-Satisfaction as A Mediation Variable (Study on Customers Who Online Shopping in The Shopee App During …
Y Andra, V Arsya, E Besra
Journal of Business Studies and Mangement Review 5 (1), 108-117, 2021
Psycho-economic phenomena, opportunistic behavior, and impacts on entrepreneurial failure
H Rahman, E Besra, N Nurhayati
Advances in Business, Management and Entrepreneurship, 997-1005, 2020
Explicating failure among nascent entrepreneurs in West Sumatra: The nexus of psycho-economic factors and opportunistic behavior
H Rahman, E Besra
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation 16 (2), 37-66, 2020
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga dan E-WOM pada Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen pasca Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Kepercayaan sebagai Variabel Mediasi
RF Ramadhan, E Besra
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis, 879-884, 2023
Perilaku Brand Switching Konsumen Yang Berlangganan Disney Plus Hotstar Di Kota Padang
G Scortionda, DK Sari, E Besra
Equilibrium: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi 12 (1), 33-45, 2023
Online purchasing behavior model: the exploration of protection motivation theory
D Aulia, M Ma’ruf, E Besra
Enrichment: Journal of Management 12 (5), 4135-4142, 2022
The Effect of Perceived Risk and Perceived Usefulness on Purchase Intention with Customer Attitude as a Mediation Variable (Survey of Tokopedia Consumers in Padang City)
MA Hadi, E Besra
Enrichment: Journal of Management 12 (4), 2918-2930, 2022
Too much passion kills you? The evidence of individuals’ passion in entrepreneurial failure
H Rahman, E Besra, N Nurhayati
APMBA (Asia Pacific Management and Business Application) 8 (3), 239-254, 2020
How Failure Leads to Learning among Nascent Entrepreneurs? The Evidence of Entrepreneurial Failure and Its Relationship to Entrepreneurial Learning
H Rahman, E Besra
KnE Social Sciences, 72–87-72–87, 2020
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