Anastasia Dimoula
Anastasia Dimoula
在 hist.auth.gr 的电子邮件经过验证
Archaeology in Greece, 2004-2005
J Whitley
Archaeological Reports, 1-118, 2004
Pottery and stylistic boundaries. Early and middle neolithic pottery in Macedonia
D Urem-Kotsou, A Papaioannou, T Papadakou, N Saridaki, Z Intze, ...
A century of research in prehistoric Macedonia 2012, 505e517, 1912
Experimental investigation of ceramic technology and plant food cooking in Neolithic northern Greece
A Dimoula, Z Tsirtsoni, P Yiouni, I Stagkidis, M Ntinou, ...
STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research 5 (2), 269-286, 2019
Early pottery mobility: the case of early Neolithic Thessaly, Greece
A Dimoula
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 209-218, 2017
The discovery of the earliest specialised Middle Neolithic pottery workshop in western Thessaly, central Greece
A Krahtopoulou, A Dimoula, A Livarda, N Saridaki
Antiquity 92 (362), e5, 2018
Eustratios Pelekidis and the British Salonika Force Museum
A Kanatselou, A Shapland
A century of research in prehistoric Macedonia 2012, 1912
Χρονολόγηση με άνθρακα-14 των μεγάλων πολιτισμικών αλλαγών στην προϊστορική Μακεδονία: πρόσφατες εξελίξεις
Y Maniatis, E Stefani, N Merousis, A Dimoula
Εκατό χρόνια έρευνας στην προϊστορική Μακεδονία, Πρακτικά διεθνούς συνεδρίου …, 2014
Early pottery technology and the formation of a technological tradition: the case of Theopetra Cave, Thessaly, Greece
A Pentedeka, A Dimoula
Interpreting Silent Artefacts. Petrographic Approaches to Archaeological …, 2009
A Century of Research in Prehistoric Macedonia 1912–2012: International Conference Proceedings, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, 22–24 November 2012
E Stefani, N Merousis, A Dimoula
Thessaloniki, 2014
Lete I. The pottery of a Neolithic site in central Macedonia 100 years after
A Dimoula, A Pentedeka, K Filis
A century of research in Prehistoric Macedonia 2012, 491-504, 1912
Ο οικισμός του Κλείτου Κοζάνης στο ευρύτερο φυσικό και ανθρωπογενές περιβάλλον της Νεότερης και Τελικής Νεολιθικής περιόδου
C Ziota, E Stefani, N Merousis, A Dimoula
Εκατό χρόνια έρευνας στην προϊστορική Μακεδονία, Πρακτικά διεθνούς συνεδρίου …, 2014
Περί προϊστορικών θέσεων στη δυτική Μακεδονία: Νομοί Κοζάνης και Γρεβενών
G Karamitrou-Mentesidi, E Stefani, N Merousis, A Dimoula
Εκατό χρόνια έρευνας στην προϊστορική Μακεδονία, Πρακτικά διεθνούς συνεδρίου …, 2014
Re-discovering the Neolithic landscapes of western Thessaly, central Greece
A Krahtopoulou, HA Orengo, C Frederick, A Dimoula, N Saridaki, ...
Current approaches to tells in the prehistoric old World, 25-40, 2020
The settlement of Kleitos Kozanis in its wider natural and anthropogenic environment during the Late and Final Neolithic periods
C Ziota, E Stefani, N Merousis, A Dimoula
A Century of Research in Prehistoric Macedonia 1912-2012. International …, 2014
Early pottery technology and production. The case of Thessaly
A Dimoula
Thessaloniki, Altintzis Press.[In Greek: Δημουλά, Α. 2014. Πρώιμη κεραμική …, 2014
In search of social networks during the Neolithic period in Macedonia (northern Greece): the case of chipped stone industries
O Kakavakis, E Stefani, N Merousis, A Dimoula
A century of research in prehistoric Macedonia 2012, 599-606, 1912
Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: Interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods
SM Valamoti, A Dimoula, M Ntinou
Sidestone Press, 2022
Ceramic cooking dishes in the prehistoric aegean: Variability and uses
A Dimoula, Z Tsirtsoni, SM Valamoti
Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens …, 2022
Archaeological Reports
J Whitley, S Germanidou, D Urem-Kotsou, A Dimoula, I Nikolakopoulou, ...
Fusion cuisine in the shadow of Mount Olympus: an integrated study of Middle and Late Bronze Age cooking pots
A Dimoula, S Koulidou, Z Tsirtsoni, E Standall, O Craig, SM Valamoti
Journal of Greek Archaeology 7, 37-66, 2022
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