Marco Delle Rose
Sinkhole genesis and evolution in Apulia, and their interrelations with the anthropogenic environment
M Delle Rose, A Federico, M Parise
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 4 (5/6), 747-755, 2004
Folk karst terminology from Apulia (southern Italy)
M Parise, A Federico, M Delle Rose, M Sammarco
Acta carsologica 32 (2), 2003
Karst subsidence in south-central Apulia, southern Italy
M Delle Rose, M Parise
International Journal of Speleology 31 (1/4), 181-199, 2002
Towards an integrated approach for characterization of sinkhole hazards in urban environments: the unstable coastal site of Casalabate, Lecce, Italy
M Delle Rose, G Leucci
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 7 (2), 143-154, 2010
Stratigrafia e petrografia delle marne di Vicchio (unita tettonica Cervarola) dell'alta Val Tiberina (Appennio Tosco-Romagnolo)
M Delle Rose, F Guerrera, A Renzulli, L Ravasz-Barnyai, F Serrano
Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 113 (3), 675-708, 1994
Evaluating the impact of quarrying on karst aquifers of Salento (southern Italy)
M Delle Rose, M Parise, GF Andriani
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 279 (1), 153-171, 2007
A computer simulation of groundwater salinization risk in Salento peninsula (Italy)
M Delle Rose, A Federico, C Fidelibus
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 45, 2000
Water management problems in a karst flood-prone endorheic basin
C Apollonio, M Delle Rose, C Fidelibus, L Orlanducci, D Spasiano
Environmental earth sciences 77 (19), 676, 2018
Sprofondamenti connessi a cavità antropiche nella regione Puglia
F Barnaba, T Caggiano, A Castorani, M Delle Rose, AR Di Santo, ...
Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop “I sinkholes. Gli sprofondamenti catastrofici nell …, 2009
Evoluzione del segmento interno dell'Avanfossa Appenninica durante il Miocene medio (Spartiacque tosco-romagnolo)
M Delle Rose, F Guerrera, E Moretti, G Rusciadelli
Giornale di Geologia 52, 135-158, 1990
Decision-making errors and socio-political disputes over the Vajont Dam disaster
MD Rose
Disaster Advances 5 (3), 144-152, 2012
Karstic phenomena and environmental hazard in Salento coastal plains
M Delle Rose, A Federico
Proc. IAEG Congress, Durban (South Africa), 2002
Assessment of specific yield in karstified fractured rock through the water-budget method
M Delle Rose, C Fidelibus, P Martano
Geosciences 8 (9), 344, 2018
Salento Miocene: a preliminary paleoenvironmental reconstruction
M Delle Rose
Thalassia Salentina 25, 41-66, 2001
Water management in the karst of Apulia, southern Italy
M Delle Rose, M Parise
Proc. Int. Interdisc. Conf.“Sustainability of the karst environment. Dinaric …, 2010
Speleogenesi e geomorfologia del sistema carsico delle Grotte della Poesia nell’ambito dell’evoluzione quaternaria della costa Adriatica Salentina
M Delle Rose, M Parise
Atti e Memorie Commissione Grotte “E. Boegan 40, 153-173, 2005
Infiltration and short-time recharge in deep karst aquifer of the Salento peninsula (Southern Italy): An observational study
M Delle Rose, P Martano
Water 10 (3), 260, 2018
Slope instability along the Adriatic coast of Salento, southern Italy
M Delle Rose, M Parise
Proc. IX Intern. Symp. on Landslides, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 1, 399-404, 2004
Osservazioni geologiche e indagini geofisiche sul carsismo della costa neretina
MT Carrozzo, M Delle Rose, A Federico, G Leucci, V Marras, S Negri, ...
Thalassia Salentina 26 (supplement), 111-119, 2003
Il sistema carsico Vore Spedicaturo
L Beccarisi, L Chiriaco, M Delle Rose
Itinerari speleologici 8, 31-36, 1999
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