Dmitriy Gerasimov
Dmitriy Gerasimov
Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого /Кунсткамера/ РАН
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S tone A ge settlement and H olocene shore displacement in the N arva‐L uga K lint B ay area, eastern G ulf of F inland
A Rosentau, M Muru, A Kriiska, DA Subetto, J Vassiljev, T Hang, ...
Boreas 42 (4), 912-931, 2013
Genetic ancestry changes in Stone to Bronze Age transition in the East European plain
L Saag, SV Vasilyev, L Varul, NV Kosorukova, DV Gerasimov, ...
Science advances 7 (4), eabd6535, 2021
“The good, the bad, the weird”: Stone Age and Early Metal Period radiocarbon dates and chronology from the Karelian Isthmus, North-West Russia
O Seitsonen, K Nordqvist, DV Gerasimov, SN Lisitsyn
Geochronometria 39, 101-121, 2012
Материалы к археологической карте Карельского перешейка (Ленинградская область). Памятники каменного века и периода раннего металла
ДВ Герасимов, СН Лисицын, ВИ Тимофеев
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт истории …, 2003
An archaeological field survey of stone age and early metal period settlement at Kaukola (Sevastyanovo) and Räisälä (Melnikovo) on the Karelian isthmus in 1999
M Lavento, P Halinen, V Timofeev, D Gerasimov, A Saksa
Fennoscandia archaeologica 18, 3-25, 2001
Stone age research in the Narva–Luga Klint Bay area in 2005–2014
A Kriiska, DV Gerasimov, K Nordqvist, SN Lisitsyn, S Sandell, ...
Iskos 21, 2016
Development of the coastal systems of the easternmost Gulf of Finland, and their links with Neolithic–Bronze and Iron Age settlements
D Ryabchuk, V Zhamoida, A Amantov, A Sergeev, T Gusentsova, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 411 (1), 51-76, 2016
История Ладожского озера в свете археологических данных
ДВ Герасимов, ДА Субетто
Известия Российского государственного педагогического университета им. АИ …, 2009
Radiocarbon dating from Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov cemetery reveals complex human responses to socio-ecological stress during the 8.2 ka cooling event
RJ Schulting, K Mannermaa, PE Tarasov, T Higham, CB Ramsey, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (2), 155-162, 2022
Preliminary results of the research at Corded Ware sites in the Narva–Luga interfluve, Estonian–Russian border area in 2008–2014
A Kriiska, K Nordqvist, DV Gerasimov, S Sandell
Archaeological fieldwork in Estonia 2014, 39-50, 2015
Stone Age archaeological sites and environmental changes during the Holocene in the NW region of Russia
M Kulkova, A Mazurkevich, D Gerasimov
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 411 (1), 27-49, 2016
Памятники каменного века юго-восточного побережья Финского залива: хронология и геоморфология
ДВ Герасимов, А Крийска, СН Лисицын
Краткие сообщения Института археологии, 243-250, 2012
Освоение побережья Финского залива Балтийского моря в каменном веке
ДВ Герасимов, СН Крийска, СН Лисицын
III Северный археологический конгресс, 28-52, 2010
Burnt bones by Europe's largest lake: Zooarchaeology of the Stone Age and Early Metal period hunter-gatherers at Lake Ladoga, NW Russia
O Seitsonen, S Seitsonen, LG Broderick, DV Gerasimov
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 11, 131-146, 2017
Reljativizacija pod maskoj nominalizacii i faktivnyj argument v adygejskom jazyke
D Gerasimov, Y Lander
Issledovanija po teorii grammatiki 4, 290-313, 2008
Let’s groove: attachment techniques of Eurasian elk (Alces alces) tooth pendants at the Late Mesolithic cemetery Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov (Lake Onega, Russia)
K Mannermaa, R Rainio, EY Girya, DV Gerasimov
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 1-22, 2021
Early-Middle Holocene archaeological periodization and environmental changes in the Eastern Gulf of Finland: Interpretative correlation
D Gerasimov, A Kriiska
Quaternary International 465, 298-313, 2018
Archaeological research in the Kurkijoki area in 2001 and 2003: a preliminary study of the Stone Age settlement patterns in southern Ladoga Karelia
O Seitsonen, DV Gerasimov
Iskos 16, 164–184-164–184, 2008
New data on the postglacial development of Narva-Luga Klint Bay (Eastern Gulf of Finland): results of geoarchaeological research
DV Ryabchuk, A Yu Sergeev, DV Gerasimov, A Kriiska, K Nordqvist, ...
Journal of Coastal Conservation 23, 727-746, 2019
Поселение Чертов Овраг на острове Врангеля–вопросы культурной атрибуции и перспективы исследования
ДВ Герасимов, АН Тихонов, ЕЮ Гиря
Естественная история Российской Восточной Арктики в плейстоцене–голоцене, 85-88, 2003
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