Long-term manure application increases soil organic matter and aggregation, and alters microbial community structure and keystone taxa Y Lin, G Ye, Y Kuzyakov, D Liu, J Fan, W Ding Soil Biology and Biochemistry 134, 187-196, 2019 | 389 | 2019 |
Wheat straw-derived biochar amendment stimulated N2O emissions from rice paddy soils by regulating the amoA genes of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria Y Lin, W Ding, D Liu, T He, G Yoo, J Yuan, Z Chen, J Fan Soil Biology and Biochemistry 113, 89-98, 2017 | 188 | 2017 |
Rapid growth in greenhouse gas emissions from the adoption of industrial-scale aquaculture J Yuan, J Xiang, D Liu, H Kang, T He, S Kim, Y Lin, C Freeman, W Ding Nature Climate Change 9 (4), 318-322, 2019 | 184 | 2019 |
Exotic Spartina alterniflora invasion alters ecosystem–atmosphere exchange of CH4 and N2O and carbon sequestration in a coastal salt marsh in China J Yuan, W Ding, D Liu, H Kang, C Freeman, J Xiang, Y Lin Global Change Biology 21 (4), 1567-1580, 2015 | 161 | 2015 |
Long-term application of lime or pig manure rather than plant residues suppressed diazotroph abundance and diversity and altered community structure in an acidic Ultisol Y Lin, G Ye, D Liu, S Ledgard, J Luo, J Fan, J Yuan, Z Chen, W Ding Soil Biology and Biochemistry 123, 218-228, 2018 | 113 | 2018 |
Long-term application of manure over plant residues mitigates acidification, builds soil organic carbon and shifts prokaryotic diversity in acidic Ultisols G Ye, Y Lin, D Liu, Z Chen, J Luo, N Bolan, J Fan, W Ding Applied Soil Ecology 133, 24-33, 2019 | 104 | 2019 |
Microbial communities in crop phyllosphere and root endosphere are more resistant than soil microbiota to fertilization A Sun, XY Jiao, Q Chen, AL Wu, Y Zheng, YX Lin, JZ He, HW Hu Soil Biology and Biochemistry 153, 108113, 2021 | 103 | 2021 |
Manure over crop residues increases soil organic matter but decreases microbial necromass relative contribution in upland Ultisols: Results of a 27-year field experiment G Ye, Y Lin, Y Kuzyakov, D Liu, J Luo, S Lindsey, W Wang, J Fan, W Ding Soil Biology and Biochemistry 134, 15-24, 2019 | 96 | 2019 |
Effects of biochar on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from paddy field during the wheat growth season J Xiang, D Liu, W Ding, J Yuan, Y Lin Journal of cleaner production 104, 52-58, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |
Methane production potential and methanogenic archaea community dynamics along the Spartina alterniflora invasion chronosequence in a coastal salt marsh J Yuan, W Ding, D Liu, J Xiang, Y Lin Applied microbiology and biotechnology 98, 1817-1829, 2014 | 73 | 2014 |
Responses of soil fungal diversity and community composition to long-term fertilization: Field experiment in an acidic Ultisol and literature synthesis G Ye, Y Lin, J Luo, HJ Di, S Lindsey, D Liu, J Fan, W Ding Applied soil ecology 145, 103305, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Manure application increases microbiome complexity in soil aggregate fractions: results of an 18-year field experiment G Ye, S Banerjee, JZ He, J Fan, Z Wang, X Wei, HW Hu, Y Zheng, C Duan, ... Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 307, 107249, 2021 | 68 | 2021 |
Fertilization alters protistan consumers and parasites in crop‐associated microbiomes A Sun, XY Jiao, Q Chen, P Trivedi, Z Li, F Li, Y Zheng, Y Lin, HW Hu, ... Environmental Microbiology 23 (4), 2169-2183, 2021 | 66 | 2021 |
Nitrosospira cluster 8a plays a predominant role in the nitrification process of a subtropical Ultisol under long-term inorganic and organic fertilization Y Lin, G Ye, J Luo, HJ Di, D Liu, J Fan, W Ding Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (18), e01031-18, 2018 | 59 | 2018 |
Nitrous oxide emissions from China's croplands based on regional and crop-specific emission factors deviate from IPCC 2006 estimates G Aliyu, J Luo, HJ Di, S Lindsey, D Liu, J Yuan, Z Chen, Y Lin, T He, ... Science of the total environment 669, 547-558, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
Niche differentiation of comammox Nitrospira and canonical ammonia oxidizers in soil aggregate fractions following 27-year fertilizations Y Lin, G Ye, W Ding, HW Hu, Y Zheng, J Fan, S Wan, C Duan, JZ He Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 304, 107147, 2020 | 53 | 2020 |
Invasion chronosequence of Spartina alterniflora on methane emission and organic carbon sequestration in a coastal salt marsh J Xiang, D Liu, W Ding, J Yuan, Y Lin Atmospheric Environment 112, 72-80, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Spartina alterniflora invasion drastically increases methane production potential by shifting methanogenesis from hydrogenotrophic to methylotrophic pathway in a … J Yuan, D Liu, Y Ji, J Xiang, Y Lin, M Wu, W Ding Journal of Ecology 107 (5), 2436-2450, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Shifts in methanogen community structure and function across a coastal marsh transect: effects of exotic Spartina alterniflora invasion J Yuan, W Ding, D Liu, H Kang, J Xiang, Y Lin Scientific reports 6 (1), 18777, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria play an important role in nitrification of acidic soils: a meta-analysis Y Lin, HW Hu, G Ye, J Fan, W Ding, ZY He, Y Zheng, JZ He Geoderma 404, 115395, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |