Conceptualizing smartness in government: An integrative and multi-dimensional view JR Gil-Garcia, J Zhang, G Puron-Cid Government Information Quarterly 33 (3), 524-534, 2016 | 472 | 2016 |
Exploring stakeholders' expectations of the benefits and barriers of e‐government knowledge sharing J Zhang, SS Dawes, J Sarkis Journal of Enterprise Information Management 18 (5), 548-567, 2005 | 330 | 2005 |
Information systems development as emergent socio-technical change: a practice approach LF Luna-Reyes, J Zhang, J Ramón Gil-García, AM Cresswell European Journal of Information Systems 14 (1), 93-105, 2005 | 275 | 2005 |
Smart government, citizen participation and open data. S Mellouli, LF Luna-Reyes, J Zhang Inf. Polity 19 (1-2), 1-4, 2014 | 273 | 2014 |
Knowledge sharing in cross-boundary information system development in the public sector TA Pardo, AM Cresswell, F Thompson, J Zhang Information Technology and Management 7, 293-313, 2006 | 188 | 2006 |
Expectations and perceptions of benefits, barriers, and success in public sector knowledge networks J Zhang, SS Dawes Public Performance & Management Review 29 (4), 433-466, 2006 | 168 | 2006 |
Distributed leadership in the development of a knowledge sharing system J Zhang, SR Faerman European Journal of Information Systems 16, 479-493, 2007 | 116 | 2007 |
The effect of organizational/technological factors and the nature of knowledge on knowledge sharing J Zhang, SR Faerman, AM Cresswell Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006 | 102 | 2006 |
The paradoxical nature of collaboration DR Connelly, J Zhang, S Faerman Big ideas in collaborative public management, 27-45, 2014 | 98 | 2014 |
Challenges and requirements for developing data architecture supporting integration of sustainable supply chains DS Sayogo, J Zhang, L Luna-Reyes, H Jarman, G Tayi, DL Andersen, ... Information Technology and Management 16, 5-18, 2015 | 75 | 2015 |
Introduction. Innovation through open data: a review of the state-of-the-art and an emerging research agenda A Zuiderwijk, M Janssen, JR Gil-García, N Helbig Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 9 (2), 258-268, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
Going beyond open data: Challenges and motivations for smart disclosure in ethical consumption DS Sayogo, J Zhang, TA Pardo, GK Tayi, J Hrdinova, DF Andersen, ... Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 9 (2), 1-16, 2014 | 54 | 2014 |
Creating public value through Open Government: Perspectives, experiences and applications J Zhang, G Puron-Cid, JR Gil-Garcia Information polity 20 (2-3), 97-101, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
J., & Cresswell, AM (2005) LF Luna-Reyes, J Zhang, GG Ramón Information systems development as emergent socio-technical change: A …, 2005 | 39 | 2005 |
Strengthening institutional-based trust for sustainable consumption: Lessons for smart disclosure J Zhang, H Liu, DS Sayogo, S Picazo-Vela, L Luna-Reyes Government Information Quarterly 33 (3), 552-561, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Participants' expectations and the success of knowledge networking in the public sector J Zhang, AM Cresswell, F Thompson Electronic Government Strategies and Implementation, 260-281, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
Full information product pricing: An information strategy for harnessing consumer choice to create a more sustainable world LF Luna-Reyes, J Zhang, A Whitmore, H Jarman, S Picazo-Vela, ... Communications of the Association for Information Systems 34 (1), 32, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
Digital government in North America: A comparative analysis of policy and program priorities in Canada, Mexico, and the United States LF Luna-Reyes, TA Pardo, JR Gil-Garcia, C Navarrete, J Zhang, ... Comparative e-government, 139-160, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
The nature of knowledge and its influence on knowledge sharing practice: experiences from building the MACROS system J Zhang, SR Faerman 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
Sensing‐energy efficiency tradeoff for cognitive radio networks J Zhang, FC Zheng, XQ Gao, HB Zhu IET Communications 8 (18), 3414-3423, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |