Riccardo Tiscini
Riccardo Tiscini
Professore di Economia Aziendale
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The challenge of sustainable development goal reporting: The first evidence from Italian listed companies
MF Izzo, M Ciaburri, R Tiscini
Sustainability 12 (8), 3494, 2020
‘I digitize so I exist’. Searching for critical capabilities affecting firms’ digital innovation
D Tortora, R Chierici, MF Briamonte, R Tiscini
Journal of Business Research 129, 193-204, 2021
The blockchain as a sustainable business model innovation
R Tiscini, S Testarmata, M Ciaburri, E Ferrari
Management Decision 58 (8), 1621-1642, 2020
How do ESG pillars impact firms’ marketing performance? A configurational analysis in the pharmaceutical sector
F Paolone, N Cucari, J Wu, R Tiscini
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 37 (8), 1594-1606, 2022
An empirical analysis: Did green supply chain management alleviate the effects of COVID‐19?
M Fasan, E Soerger Zaro, C Soerger Zaro, B Porco, R Tiscini
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (5), 2702-2712, 2021
Circular economy and environmental disclosure in sustainability reports: Empirical evidence in cosmetic companies
R Tiscini, L Martiniello, R Lombardi
Business Strategy and the Environment 31 (3), 892-907, 2022
Strategic entrepreneurship: Personal values and characteristics influencing SMEs' decision-making and outcomes. The Gemar Balloons case
R Lombardi, R Tiscini, R Trequattrini, L Martiniello
Management Decision 59 (5), 1069-1084, 2021
The relation between accounting frauds and corporate governance systems: an analysis of recent scandals
R Tiscini, F Di Donato
Available at SSRN 1086624, 2006
Corporate governance, regolamentazione contabile e trasparenza dell'informativa aziendale
G Fiori, R Tiscini
Franco Angeli, 2005
Cross ownership and interlocking directorates between banks and listed firms: an empirical analysis of the effects on debt leverage and cost of debt in the Italian case
F Di Donato, R Tiscini
Corporate Ownership & Control 6 (3), 473-481, 2009
Energy performance contracting and public-private partnership: How to share risks and balance benefits
L Martiniello, D Morea, F Paolone, R Tiscini
Energies 13 (14), 3625, 2020
Responsible innovation and ethical corporate behavior in the Asian fashion industry: A systematic literature review and avenues ahead
A Di Vaio, R Hassan, G D’Amore, R Tiscini
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-45, 2022
The role of digital transformation in enabling continuous accounting and the effects on intellectual capital: the case of Oracle
MF Izzo, M Fasan, R Tiscini
Meditari Accountancy Research 30 (4), 1007-1026, 2022
Il valore economico delle aziende di famiglia: dinamiche di formazione e criteri di stima nelle aziende di dimensione minore
R Tiscini
Giuffrè, 2001
Stock option plan practices in family firms: The idiosyncratic private benefits approach
R Tiscini, E Raoli
Journal of family business strategy 4 (2), 93-105, 2013
The challenge of sustainable development goal reporting: the first evidence from Italian listed companies. Sustainability, 12 (8), 3494
MF Izzo, M Ciaburri, R Tiscini
The CSR committee as moderator for the ESG score and market value
GM Bifulco, R Savio, F Paolone, R Tiscini
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 30 (6), 3231-3241, 2023
Environmental risk indicators disclosure and value relevance: An empirical analysis of Italian listed companies after the implementation of the Legislative Decree 254/2016
F Paolone, F Granà, L Martiniello, R Tiscini
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 28 (5), 1471-1482, 2021
Economia della crisi d'impresa
R Tiscini
EGEA spa, 2014
La rete di imprese. Istruzioni per l’uso
M Di Pace, R Tiscini, A Del Principe, P Sodini, P Tanzilli
Università Telematica Universitas Mercatorum, Roma, 2011
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