hanna szczepanowska
hanna szczepanowska
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC; CNRS, LTD, Lyon, France
在 si.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Conservation of cultural heritage: key principles and approaches
HM Szczepanowska
Routledge, 2013
A study of the removal and prevention of fungal stains on paper
H Szczepanowska, CM Lovett
Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 31 (2), 147-160, 1992
Laser stain removal of fungus-induced stains from paper
HM Szczepanowska, WR Moomaw
Journal of the american Institute for Conservation 33 (1), 25-32, 1994
Fungal deterioration of 18th and 19th century documents: A case study of the Tilghman Family Collection, Wye House, Easton. Maryland
H Szczepanowska, AR Cavaliere
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 46 (3), 245-249, 2000
Biodeterioration of art objects on paper
H Szczepanowska
The Paper Conservator 10 (1), 31-39, 1986
Permanency of reprographic images on polyester film
H Szczepanowska, W Wilson
Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 39 (3), 371-390, 2000
Morphology of fungal stains on paper characterized with multi‐scale and multi‐sensory surface metrology
H Szcepanowska, TG Mathia, P Belin
Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies 36 (1), 76-85, 2014
Fourteenth-century documents of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem: analysis of inks, parchment and seals
H Szczepanowska, EW FitzHugh
The paper conservator 23 (1), 36-45, 1999
Morphology and characterization of Dematiaceous fungi on a cellulose paper substrate using synchrotron X-ray microtomography, scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser …
HM Szczepanowska, D Jha, TG Mathia
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 30 (3), 651-657, 2015
The Chemical analysis of southeast asian lacquers collected from forests and workshops in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar
H Szczepanowska, R Ploeger
Journal of Cultural Heritage 40, 215-225, 2019
Conserving our cultural heritage: The role of fungi in biodeterioration
H Szczepanowska, AR Cavaliere
Bioaerosols: The Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference …, 2012
Fungal stains on paper—their removal and prevention
H Szczepanowska, CM Lovett
Studies in Conservation 33 (sup1), 13-14, 1988
Artworks, drawings, prints, and documents fungi eat them all!
HM Szczepanowska, AR Cavaliere
Art, biology, and conservation: Biodeterioration of works of art, 128-151, 2003
Deconstructing rattan: Morphology of biogenic silica in rattan and its impact on preservation of Southeast Asian art and artifacts made of rattan
HM Szczepanowska
Studies in conservation 63 (6), 356-374, 2018
Chapter 12-mold/fungi
M Florian, R Koestler, K Nicholson, T Parker, T Stanlley, ...
American Institute for Conservation/Book and Paper Group: Washington, DC …, 1994
Space heritage: The apollo heat shield; atmospheric reentry imprint on materials’ surface
H Szczepanowska, TG Mathia
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1319, mrsf10-1319-ww01-03, 2011
Tutankhamun tomb, a closer look at biodeterioration: preliminary report
HM Szczepanowska, AR Cavaliere
Schimmel: Gefahr für Mensch und Kulturgut durch Mikroorganismen, 42-47, ill …, 2004
The conservation of 14th century parchment documents with pendant seals
H Szczepanowska
The Paper Conservator 16 (1), 86-92, 1992
The Space Shuttle Discovery, Its Scientific Legacy in a Museum Context
HM Szczepanowska
Archaeology and Heritage of the Human Movement into Space, 61-73, 2014
Developing a Methodology to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Biocide
AE Charola, MJ Wachowiak, EK Webb, CA Grissom, EP Vicenzi, ...
12th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone …, 2014
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