Orlando J. Fernandes
Orlando J. Fernandes
professor Associado,Sport and Health Department, School of Health and Human Development, CHRC
在 uevora.pt 的电子邮件经过验证
Competing with lower level opponents decreases intra-team movement synchronization and time-motion demands during pre-season soccer matches
H Folgado, R Duarte, O Fernandes, J Sampaio
PloS one 9 (5), e97145, 2014
Intra-and inter-group coordination patterns reveal collective behaviors of football players near the scoring zone
R Duarte, D Araújo, L Freire, H Folgado, O Fernandes, K Davids
Human Movement Science 31 (6), 1639-1651, 2012
The effects of an exercise program on several abilities associated with driving performance in older adults
JF Marmeleira, MB Godinho, OM Fernandes
Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (1), 90-97, 2009
Proximity-to-goal as a constraint on patterns of behaviour in attacker–defender dyads in team games
J Headrick, K Davids, I Renshaw, D Araújo, P Passos, O Fernandes
Journal of sports sciences 30 (3), 247-253, 2012
Kinematic and electromyographic analyses of a karate punch
AM VencesBrito, MAR Ferreira, N Cortes, O Fernandes, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 21 (6), 1023-1029, 2011
Effects of 10-week eccentric overload training on kinetic parameters during change of direction in football players
M de Hoyo, B Sañudo, L Carrasco, J Mateo-Cortes, S Domínguez-Cobo, ...
Journal of sports sciences 34 (14), 1380-1387, 2016
The influence of instructions and body-scaling as constraints on decision-making processes in team sports
R Cordovil, D Araújo, K Davids, L Gouveia, J Barreiros, O Fernandes, ...
European journal of sport science 9 (3), 169-179, 2009
Capturing complex human behaviors in representative sports contexts with a single camera
R Duarte, D Araújo, O Fernandes, C Fonseca, V Correia, V Gazimba, ...
Medicina 46 (6), 408, 2010
Effects of eccentric overload bout on change of direction and performance in soccer players
M De Hoyo, A De La Torre, F Pradas, B Sañudo, L Carrasco, ...
International journal of sports medicine 36 (04), 308-314, 2015
Does pilates-based exercise improve postural alignment in adult women?
A Cruz-Ferreira, J Fernandes, YL Kuo, LM Bernardo, O Fernandes, ...
Women & health 53 (6), 597-611, 2013
Improving passing actions in team sports by developing interpersonal interactions between players
B Travassos, D Araújo, K Davids, PT Esteves, O Fernandes
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 7 (4), 677-688, 2012
Ecological dynamics of continuous and categorical decision-making: The regatta start in sailing
D Araújo, K Davids, A Diniz, L Rocha, JC Santos, G Dias, O Fernandes
European journal of sport science 15 (3), 195-202, 2015
Perceiving affordances in rugby union
P Passos, R Cordovil, O Fernandes, J Barreiros
Journal of sports sciences 30 (11), 1175-1182, 2012
The ecological dynamics of 1v1 sub-phases in association football
R Duarte, D Araújo, V Gazimba, O Fernandes, H Folgado, J Marmeleira, ...
Bentham Open, 2010
Validation of the tool for applied and contextual time-series observation
O Fernandes, H Folgado, R Duarte, P Malta
International Journal of Sport Psychology 41 (4), 63, 2010
Creative dance can enhance proprioception in older adults
JF Marmeleira, CLN Pereira, A Cruz-Ferreira, V Fretes, R Pisco, ...
Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 49 (4), 480-485, 2009
Motion analysis systems as optimization training tools in combat sports and martial arts
E Polak, J Kulasa, A VencesBrito, MA Castro, O Fernandes
Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas 10 (2), 105-123, 2015
Effects of different practice task constraints on fluctuations of player heart rate in small-sided football games
R Duarte, D Araujo, O Fernandes, B Travassos, H Folgado, A Diniz, ...
The Open Sports Sciences Journal 3 (1), 2010
How does knowledge constrain sport performance? An ecological perspective
D Araujo, K Davids, R Cordovil, J Ribeiro, O Fernandes
Perspectives on cognition and action in sport, 100-120, 2009
Shoulder rotator isokinetic strength profile in young swimmers
NMP Batalha, AMM Raimundo, P Tomas-Carus, OJSM Fernandes, ...
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano 14, 545-553, 2012
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