Raissa Micaella Marcello Machado
Raissa Micaella Marcello Machado
在 docente.unip.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Mini‐implants and narrow diameter implants as mandibular overdenture retainers: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of clinical and radiographic outcomes
RM Marcello‐Machado, F Faot, AJ Schuster, GG Nascimento, ...
Journal of oral rehabilitation 45 (2), 161-183, 2018
Masticatory function parameters in patients with varying degree of mandibular bone resorption
RM Marcello-Machado, AM Bielemann, GG Nascimento, ...
Journal of prosthodontic research 61 (3), 315-323, 2017
Can implant surfaces affect implant stability during osseointegration? A randomized clinical trial
LC Carmo Filho, RM Marcello-Machado, ED Castilhos, AA Del Bel Cury, ...
Brazilian oral research 32, e110, 2018
Short-term quality of life change perceived by patients after transition to mandibular overdentures
AJ Schuster, RM Marcello-Machado, AM Bielemann, GG Nascimento, ...
Brazilian oral research 31 (0), e5, 2017
Oral candidiasis and denture stomatitis in diabetic patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis
L Martorano-Fernandes, LM Dornelas-Figueira, RM Marcello-Machado, ...
Brazilian oral research 34, e113, 2020
Systematic review of wound healing biomarkers in peri-implant crevicular fluid during osseointegration
AM Bielemann, RM Marcello-Machado, AADB Cury, F Faot
Archives of oral biology 89, 107-128, 2018
How fast can treatment with overdentures improve the masticatory function and OHRQ oL of atrophic edentulous patients? A 1‐year longitudinal clinical study
RM Marcello‐Machado, F Faot, AJ Schuster, AM Bielemann, ...
Clinical Oral Implants Research 29 (2), 215-226, 2018
Comparison between inflammation-related markers in peri-implant crevicular fluid and clinical parameters during osseointegration in edentulous jaws
AM Bielemann, RM Marcello-Machado, FRM Leite, FC Martinho, ...
Clinical Oral Investigations 22, 531-543, 2018
Exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis of the OHIP-Edent instrument
APR Possebon, F Faot, RMM Machado, GG Nascimento, FRM Leite
Brazilian oral research 32, e111, 2018
Relationship between masticatory function impairment and oral health‐related quality of life of edentulous patients: An interventional study
SB Miranda, APR Possebon, AJ Schuster, RM Marcello‐Machado, ...
Journal of Prosthodontics 28 (6), 634-642, 2019
One‐year clinical outcomes of locking taper Equator attachments retaining mandibular overdentures to narrow diameter implants
RM Marcello‐Machado, F Faot, AJ Schuster, AM Bielemann, ...
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 20 (4), 483-492, 2018
Masticatory function of conventional complete denture wearers changing to 2-implant retained mandibular overdentures: clinical factor influences after 1 year of function
AP da Rosa Possebon, RM Marcello-Machado, AM Bielemann, ...
Journal of prosthodontic research 62 (4), 479-484, 2018
Influence of Age and Time Since Edentulism on Masticatory Function and Quality of Life in Implant-Retained Mandibular Overdenture Wearers: 1-year Results from a Paired Clinical …
AJ Schuster, DA Pastorino, R Micaella Marcello-Machado, F Faot
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 34 (6), 2019
Influence of insertion torque on clinical and biological outcomes before and after loading of mandibular implant‐retained overdentures in atrophic edentulous mandibles
F Faot, AM Bielemann, AJ Schuster, RM Marcello-Machado, ...
BioMed Research International 2019 (1), 8132520, 2019
Effect of implant macrogeometry on peri-implant healing outcomes: A randomized clinical trial
LC Carmo Filho, F Faot, MM Madruga, RM Marcello-Machado, D Bordin, ...
Clinical oral investigations 23, 567-575, 2019
Chagas Júnior OL, Del Bel Cury AA. One-year clinical outcomes of locking taper Equator attachments retaining mandibular overdentures to narrow diameter implants
RM Marcello-Machado, F Faot, AJ Schuster, AM Bielemann
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 20 (4), 483-92, 2018
15‐Year Retrospective Study on the Success Rate of Maxillary Sinus Augmentation and Implants: Influence of Bone Substitute Type, Presurgical Bone Height, and Membrane …
VH Jamcoski, F Faot, RM Marcello-Machado, ACM Melo, FNGK Fontão
Biomed research international 2023 (1), 9144661, 2023
Immediate vs conventional loading of Facility‐Equator system in mandibular overdenture wearers: 1‐year RCT with clinical, biological, and functional evaluation
AJ Schuster, RM Marcello‐Machado, AM Bielemann, APR Possebon, ...
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 22 (3), 270-280, 2020
Chagas Júnior OL, Del Bel Cury AA. How does mandibular bone atrophy influence the masticatory function, OHRQoL and satisfaction in overdenture wearers? Clinical results until 1 …
RM Marcello-Machado, F Faot, AJ Schuster, AM Bielemann
J Oral Rehabil 44 (11), 850-859, 2017
How does mandibular bone atrophy influence the masticatory function, OHRQ oL and satisfaction in overdenture wearers? Clinical results until 1‐year post‐loading
RM Marcello‐Machado, F Faot, AJ Schuster, AM Bielemann, ...
Journal of oral rehabilitation 44 (11), 850-859, 2017
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