Jack Wilson
Jack Wilson
Researcher, Bangor University
在 bangor.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
No-Class-Action Arbitration Clauses, State-Law Unconscionability, and the Federal Arbitration Act: A Case for Federal Judicial Restraint and Congressional Action
J Wilson
QLR 23, 737, 2004
Effects of PWR primary water chemistry on PWSCC of Ni alloys
PL Andresen, J Hickling, KS Ahluwalia, JA Wilson
Hydrogen accommodation in the TiZrNbHfTa high entropy alloy
CM Moore, JA Wilson, MJD Rushton, WE Lee, JO Astbury, ...
Acta Materialia 229, 117832, 2022
Plant cysteine oxidase oxygen-sensing function is conserved in early land plants and algae
LJ Taylor-Kearney, S Madden, J Wilson, WK Myers, DM Gunawardana, ...
ACS bio & med Chem Au 2 (5), 521-528, 2022
Use of primary water chemistry in PWRs to mitigate PWSCC of Ni-Base alloys
PL Andresen, JA Wilson, KS Ahluwalia
International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, Jeju …, 2006
Defect behaviour in the MoNbTaVW high entropy alloy (HEA)
AX Lin-Vines, JA Wilson, A Fraile, LJ Evitts, MJD Rushton, JO Astbury, ...
Results in Materials 15, 100320, 2022
Proline derived guanidine catalysts forge extensive H-bonded architectures: a solution and solid state study
ZS Al-Taie, SR Anetts, J Christensen, SJ Coles, PN Horton, DM Evans, ...
RSC advances 10 (38), 22397-22416, 2020
Effect of dissolved H2 in primary water on the SCC growth rate of Ni alloys
PL Andresen, J Hickling, A Ahluwalia, JA Wilson
Proc. Int. Conf. on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, Berlin, VGB, 2008
Predicting the thermal expansion of body-centred cubic (BCC) high entropy alloys in the Mo–Nb–Ta–Ti–W system
JA Wilson, LJ Evitts, A Fraile, RE Wilson, MJD Rushton, DT Goddard, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 4 (3), 034002, 2022
Assessing the high concentration of vacancies in refractory high entropy alloys
JA Wilson, C Moore, DT Goddard, SC Middleburgh
Materialia 28, 101764, 2023
Use of Abrasion Resisting Alloys and Design Factors in Producing Underground Mine Scrapers
JA Wilson
SAE Technical Paper, 1966
Lithium stabilization of amorphous ZrO2
GF Stephens, JA Wilson, SF Curling, G He, PJ Thomas, DW Williams, ...
Progress in Nuclear Energy 171, 105165, 2024
High entropy alloys for accident tolerant fuel applications
J Wilson, L Evitts, M Rushton, SC MIDDLEBURGH, WE LEE, ...
TopFuel, TopFuel 2021, 2021
Compositionally complex alloys in accident tolerant fuel coating systems
J Wilson
Bangor University, 2023
HST: The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Calibration Status
RI Diaz-Miller, R Downes, J Christensen, J Wilson
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 195, 85.05, 1999
Results in Materials
AX Lin-Vines, JA Wilson, A Fraile, LJ Evitts, MJD Rushton, JO Astbury, ...
The corrosion of single phase uranium silicide thin films
B Lee, S Middleburgh, M Rushton, C Cockrell, T Davey, R Annewandter, ...
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