Daniel Crear
Daniel Crear
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
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The impacts of warming and hypoxia on the performance of an obligate ram ventilator
DP Crear, RW Brill, PG Bushnell, RJ Latour, GD Schwieterman, ...
Conservation physiology 7 (1), coz026, 2019
Sensitivity of a shark nursery habitat to a changing climate
DP Crear, RJ Latour, MAM Friedrichs, P St-Laurent, KC Weng
Marine Ecology Progress Series 652, 123-136, 2020
Combined Effects of Acute Temperature Change and Elevated pCO2 on the Metabolic Rates and Hypoxia Tolerances of Clearnose Skate (Rostaraja eglanteria), Summer Flounder …
GD Schwieterman, DP Crear, BN Anderson, DR Lavoie, JA Sulikowski, ...
Biology 8 (3), 56, 2019
Seasonal shifts in the movement and distribution of green sea turtles Chelonia mydas in response to anthropogenically altered water temperatures
DP Crear, DD Lawson, JA Seminoff, T Eguchi, RA LeRoux, CG Lowe
Marine Ecology Progress Series 548, 219-232, 2016
Estimating shifts in phenology and habitat use of cobia in Chesapeake Bay under climate change
DP Crear, BE Watkins, MAM Friedrichs, P St-Laurent, KC Weng
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 579135, 2020
In the face of climate change and exhaustive exercise: the physiological response of an important recreational fish species
DP Crear, RW Brill, LML Averilla, SC Meakem, KC Weng
Royal Society open science 7 (3), 200049, 2020
Habitat Use and Behavior of the East Pacific Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas, in an Urbanized System
DP Crear, DD Lawson, JA Seminoff, T Eguchi, RA LeRoux, CG Lowe
Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences 116 (1), 17-32, 2017
Widespread habitat loss and redistribution of marine top predators in a changing ocean
CD Braun, N Lezama-Ochoa, N Farchadi, MC Arostegui, M Alexander, ...
Science Advances 9 (32), eadi2718, 2023
Highly migratory species predictive spatial modeling (PRiSM): an analytical framework for assessing the performance of spatial fisheries management
DP Crear, TH Curtis, SJ Durkee, JK Carlson
Marine Biology 168 (10), 148, 2021
Resource occurrence and productivity in existing and proposed wind energy lease areas on the Northeast US Shelf
KD Friedland, ET Methratta, AB Gill, SK Gaichas, TH Curtis, EM Adams, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 629230, 2021
Contemporary and future distributions of cobia, Rachycentron canadum
DP Crear, BE Watkins, VS Saba, JE Graves, DR Jensen, AJ Hobday, ...
Diversity and Distributions, 2020
Building use‐inspired species distribution models: Using multiple data types to examine and improve model performance
CD Braun, MC Arostegui, N Farchadi, M Alexander, P Afonso, A Allyn, ...
Ecological Applications 33 (6), e2893, 2023
Climate‐influenced shifts in a highly migratory species recreational fishery
DP Crear, TH Curtis, CP Hutt, YW Lee
Fisheries Oceanography 32 (4), 327-340, 2023
Forage fish species prefer habitat within designated offshore wind energy areas in the US Northeast Shelf ecosystem
KD Friedland, EM Adams, C Goetsch, J Gulka, DC Brady, E Rzeszowski, ...
Marine and Coastal Fisheries 15 (2), e10230, 2023
Metabolic Rates and Hypoxia Tolerences of clearnose skate (Rostaraja eglanteria), summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), and thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata)
GD Schwieterman, DP Crear, BN Anderson, DR Lavoie, JA Sulikowski, ...
The effects of temperature and habitat on the movement patterns of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) within an urbanized river and local estuary
D Crear
California State University, Long Beach, 2015
Ontogenetic habitat partitioning among four shark species within a nursery ground
DP Crear, CD Peterson, JM Higgs, JM Hendon, ER Hoffmayer
Marine and Freshwater Research 74 (16), 1388-1403, 2023
Identifying methods to reduce sea turtle bycatch in the reef bottom longline fishery
CT Peterson, DP Crear, JK Carlson
Turning detection in sandbar sharks through accelerometer data
BD Powell, G Zhou, DP Crear, KC Weng, W Deconinck
Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, 1417-1421, 2020
Correction to: Highly migratory species predictive spatial modeling (PRiSM): an analytical framework for assessing the performance of spatial fisheries management
DP Crear, TH Curtis, SJ Durkee, JK Carlson
Marine Biology 169 (1), 2022
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