Jean-Pierre Gallois
Jean-Pierre Gallois
ingénieur-chercheur CEA LIST
在 cea.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Automatic test generation with AGATHA
C Bigot, A Faivre, JP Gallois, A Lapitre, D Lugato, JY Pierron, N Rapin
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 9th …, 2003
Slicing communicating automata specifications: polynomial algorithms for model reduction
S Labbé, JP Gallois
Formal Aspects of Computing 20 (6), 563-595, 2008
Symbolic modeling of genetic regulatory networks
D Mateus, JP Gallois, JP Comet, P Le Gall
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 5 (02b), 627-640, 2007
Behavioural unfolding of formal specifications based on communicating automata
N Rapin, C Gaston, A Lapitre, JP Gallois
Proceedings of first Workshop on Automated technology for verification and …, 2003
Behavioral unfolding of formal specifications based on communicating extended automata
N Rapin, C Gaston, A Lapitre, JP Gallois
Proceedings of the first international workshop on Automated Technology for …, 2003
Validation and automatic test generation on UML models: the AGATHA approach
D Lugato, C Bigot, Y Valot, JP Gallois, S Gérard, F Terrier
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 5 (2), 124-139, 2004
Slicing communicating automata specifications for efficient model reduction
S Labbe, JP Gallois, M Pouzet
2007 Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC'07), 191-200, 2007
Verification and tests generation for SDL industrial specifications with the AGATHA toolset
D Lugato, N Rapin, JP Gallois
Real-Time Tools Workshop affiliated to CONCUR, 2001
EQUITAS: A tool-chain for functional safety and reliability improvement in automotive systems
R Nouacer, M Djemal, S Niar, G Mouchard, N Rapin, JP Gallois, P Fiani, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 47, 252-261, 2016
Automated functional test case synthesis from Thales industrial requirements
D Lugato, F Maraux, Y Le Traon, C Nebut, V Normand, H Dubois, ...
Proceedings. RTAS 2004. 10th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and …, 2004
Qualitative simulation and validation of complex hybrid systems
JP Gallois, JY Pierron
8th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2016), 2016
Abstractions refinement for hybrid systems diagnosability analysis
H Zaatiti, L Ye, P Dague, JP Gallois, L Travé-Massuyès
Diagnosability, Security and Safety of Hybrid Dynamic and Cyber-Physical …, 2018
AGATHA, un outil de simulation symbolique
JP Gallois, C Gaston, A Lapitre
AFADL’04, session outils, 2004
Analyse de spécifications industrielles et génération automatique de tests
JP Gallois, A Lapitre, P Lé
Proceedings of ICSSEA 99, 1999
Counterexample-Guided Abstraction-Refinement for Hybrid Systems Diagnosability Analysis.
H Zaatiti, L Ye, P Dague, JP Gallois
DX, 124-143, 2017
Validation de systèmes industriels par filetest symbolique sur spécification STATEMATE
JY Pierron, JP Gallois, E Fievet, A Lapitre, D Lugato
ICSSEA 2000, 2000
Le test structurel pour la vérification de spécifications de systèmes industriels
JP Gallois, A Lanusse
Génie logiciel (1995), 145-150, 1997
A new approach of qualitative simulation for the validation of hybrid systems
S Medimegh, JY Pierron, JP Gallois, F Boulanger
GEMOC International Workshop on The Globalization of Modeling Languages at …, 2016
Enhanced quality using intensive test and analysis on simulators
R Nouacer, M Djemal, S Niar, G Mouchard, N Rapin, JP Gallois, P Fiani, ...
2015 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 152-157, 2015
Qualitative reasoning and cyber-physical systems: abstraction, modeling, and optimized simulation
B Gueuziec, JP Gallois, F Boulanger
2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages …, 2023
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