Meng-Hsuan Tien
Meng-Hsuan Tien
Assistant Professor, National Tsing Hua University
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Pure-rotary periodic motions of a planar two-ball auto-balancer system
CJ Lu, MH Tien
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 32, 251-268, 2012
A generalized bilinear amplitude and frequency approximation for piecewise-linear nonlinear systems with gaps or prestress
MH Tien, K D’Souza
Nonlinear dynamics 88, 2403-2416, 2017
Generalized Bilinear Amplitude Approximation and X-Xr for Modeling Cyclically Symmetric Structures With Cracks
MH Tien, T Hu, K D'Souza
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 140 (4), 041012, 2018
Statistical analysis of the nonlinear response of bladed disks with mistuning and cracks
MH Tien, T Hu, K D’Souza
AIAA Journal 57 (11), 4966-4977, 2019
Method for controlling vibration by exploiting piecewise-linear nonlinearity in energy harvesters
MH Tien, K D’Souza
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2233), 20190491, 2020
Analyzing bilinear systems using a new hybrid symbolic-numeric computational method
MH Tien, K D'Souza
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 141 (3), 031008, 2019
Transient dynamic analysis of cracked structures with multiple contact pairs using generalized HSNC
MH Tien, K D’Souza
Nonlinear Dynamics 96, 1115-1131, 2019
Bilinear systems with initial gaps involving inelastic collision: forced response experiments and simulations
K Noguchi, A Saito, MH Tien, K D’Souza
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 144 (2), 021001, 2022
Efficient hybrid symbolic-numeric computational method for piecewise linear systems with Coulomb friction
A Shahhosseini, MH Tien, K D'Souza
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 18 (7), 071004, 2023
A new method to find the forced response of nonlinear systems with dry friction
G Altamirano, MH Tien, K D'Souza
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 16 (6), 061002, 2021
Efficient Analysis of Stationary Dynamics of Piecewise-Linear Nonlinear Systems Modeled Using General State-Space Representations
MH Tien, MF Lu, K D'Souza
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 17 (8), 081001, 2022
Parametric Analysis of the Nonlinear Dynamics of a Cracked Cantilever Beam
CL Hsu, MH Tien
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 145 (3), 031004, 2023
Predicting Nonlinear Modal Properties by Measuring Free Vibration Responses
SC Huang, HW Chen, MH Tien
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 18 (4), 041005, 2023
Poincare maps: a modern systematic approach toward obtaining effective sections
A Shahhosseini, MH Tien, K D’Souza
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (1), 529-548, 2023
Efficient analysis of cyclic symmetric structures with mistuning and cracks
MH Tien, T Hu, K D'Souza
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 0489, 2019
Bilinear amplitude and frequency approximation for nonlinear systems with gaps or prestress
K D'Souza, MH Tien
Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical …, 2016
Analyzing the backbone curve of piecewise-linear non-smooth systems using a generalized bilinear frequency approximation method
MH Tien, KY Lee, SC Huang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 204, 110765, 2023
Analysis and Evaluation of Piecewise Linear Systems With Coulomb Friction Using a Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Computational Method
A Shahhosseini, MH Tien, K D’Souza
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2021
Experimental forced response analysis of two-degree-of-freedom piecewise-linear systems with a gap
A Saito, J Umemoto, K Noguchi, MH Tien, K D’Souza
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2020
Efficient Response Approximation for Systems With Coulomb Friction
GL Altamirano, MH Tien, K D'Souza
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2258, 2019
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