Comparison of multiple linear and nonlinear regression, autoregressive integrated moving average, artificial neural network, and wavelet artificial neural network methods for … J Adamowski, H Fung Chan, SO Prasher, B Ozga‐Zielinski, A Sliusarieva Water resources research 48 (1), 2012 | 555 | 2012 |
Long-term SPI drought forecasting in the Awash River Basin in Ethiopia using wavelet neural network and wavelet support vector regression models A Belayneh, J Adamowski, B Khalil, B Ozga-Zielinski Journal of Hydrology 508, 418-429, 2014 | 477 | 2014 |
Trend detection in surface air temperature in Ontario and Quebec, Canada during 1967–2006 using the discrete wavelet transform D Nalley, J Adamowski, B Khalil, B Ozga-Zielinski Atmospheric Research 132, 375-398, 2013 | 184 | 2013 |
A review: dew water collection from radiative passive collectors to recent developments of active collectors B Khalil, J Adamowski, A Shabbir, C Jang, M Rojas, K Reilly, ... Sustainable Water Resources Management 1 (4), 1-16, 2015 | 152 | 2015 |
Multi-step water quality forecasting using a boosting ensemble multi-wavelet extreme learning machine model R Barzegar, AA Moghaddam, J Adamowski, B Ozga-Zielinski Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 1-15, 2017 | 113 | 2017 |
Short-term forecasting of groundwater levels under conditions of mine-tailings recharge using wavelet ensemble neural network models B Khalil, S Broda, J Adamowski, B Ozga-Zielinski, A Donohoe Hydrogeology Journal 23 (1), 121, 2015 | 71 | 2015 |
Review of applied-statistical methods for flood-frequency analysis in Europe A Castellarin, S Kohnová, L Gaál, A Fleig, JL Salinas, A Toumazis, ... NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 2012 | 66 | 2012 |
Estimating evapotranspiration using an extreme learning machine model: case study in north Bihar, India D Kumar, J Adamowski, R Suresh, B Ozga-Zielinski Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 142 (9), 04016032, 2016 | 42 | 2016 |
Snow-melt flood frequency analysis by means of copula based 2D probability distributions for the Narew River in Poland B Ozga-Zielinski, M Ciupak, J Adamowski, B Khalil, J Malard Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 6, 26-51, 2016 | 42 | 2016 |
Powodziogenność rzek pod kątem bezpieczeństwa budowli hydrotechnicznych i zagrożenia powodziowego. Podstawy metodyczne. M Ozga-Zielińska, E Kupczyk, B Ozga-Zieliński, R Suligowski, J Niedbała, ... Materiały Badawcze IMGW seria: Hydrologia i Oceanologia, 2003 | 27 | 2003 |
Zasady obliczania najwie̜kszych przepływów rocznych o określonym prawdopodobieństwie przewyższenia przy projektowaniu obiektów budownictwa hydrotechnicznego - długie cia̜gi … M Ozga-Zielińska, J Brzeziński, B Ozga-Zieliński Inst., 1999 | 27 | 1999 |
River quality: dynamics and restoration DA Dunnette, A Laenen, et al. CRC Press, 1997 | 21* | 1997 |
New approach for determining the quantiles of maximum annual flows in ungauged catchments using the EBA4SUB model D Młyński, A Wałęga, B Ozga-Zielinski, M Ciupak, A Petroselli Journal of Hydrology 589, 125198, 2020 | 20 | 2020 |
Badanie statystycznej niejednorodności ciągów pomiarowych/Analysis of statistical nonhomogeneity of measurement series B Ozga-Zieliński Gospodarka Wodna 10 (1987), 226-228, 1987 | 18 | 1987 |
A probabilistic model for maximum rainfall frequency analysis M Ciupak, B Ozga-Zieliński, T Tokarczyk, J Adamowski Water 13 (19), 2688, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Correcting satellite precipitation data and assimilating satellite-derived soil moisture data to generate ensemble hydrological forecasts within the HBV rainfall-runoff model M Ciupak, B Ozga-Zielinski, J Adamowski, RC Deo, K Kochanek Water 11 (10), 2138, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Applying the Theory of Reliability to the Assessment of Hazard, Risk and Safety in a Hydrologic System: A Case Study in the Upper Sola River Catchment, Poland B Ozga-Zielinski, J Adamowski, M Ciupak Water 10 (6), 1-24, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
The application of dynamic linear Bayesian models in hydrological forecasting: Varying coefficient regression and discount weighted regression M Ciupak, B Ozga-Zielinski, J Adamowski, J Quilty, B Khalil Journal of Hydrology 530, 762-784, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Powodziogenność rzek jako miara zagrożenia obiektów hydrotechnicznych i ustalania stref ochrony przeciwpowodziowej/Flooding Potentiality as a Measure of Safety of Water … M Ozga-Zielińska, B Ozga-Zieliński Gospodarka Wodna, 10-17, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Wisła w Warszawie-wybrane problemy hydrologiczne/Vistula River in Warsaw – Selected Hydrologic Problems B Ozga-Zieliński, J Szkutnicki, A Kadłubowski, Ł Chudy Gospodarka Wodna 12, 490-493, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |