Babak Mahmood
Babak Mahmood
在 gcuf.edu.pk 的电子邮件经过验证
Job satisfaction among academic staff: A comparative analysis between public and private sector universities of Punjab, Pakistan
S Khalid, MZ Irshad, B Mahmood
International journal of Business and Management 7 (1), 126, 2012
Linking succession planning to employee performance: The mediating roles of career development and performance appraisal
Z Ali, B Mahmood, A Mehreen
Australian Journal of Career Development 28 (2), 112-121, 2019
Customer satisfaction with service quality in conventional banking in Pakistan: The case of Faisalabad
S Khalid, B Mahmood, M Abbas, S Hussain
International Journal of Marketing Studies 3 (4), 165, 2011
Relationship between HRM practices and organizational commitment of employees: An empirical study of textile sector in Pakistan
S Hassan, B Mahmood
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and …, 2016
Gender specific barriers to female entrepreneurs in Pakistan: A study in urban areas of Pakistan
B Mahmood
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 2 (4), 339-352, 2012
An empirical study of retention issues in hotel industry: A case study of Serena Hotel, Faisalabad, Pakistan
AA Khan, B Mahmood, M Ayoub, S Hussain
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences 29 (29), 7-18, 2011
The relationship between stress and work performance in an industrial environment of Faisalabad District’
B Mahmood, S Hussain, A Hannan, N Muhammad
Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (Pakistan) 8 (1), 68-72, 2010
TQM implementation in textile manufacturing industry to success: review and case study
S Khalid, MZ Irshad, B Mahmood
International Business Research 4 (4), 242, 2011
Development of textile industrial clusters in Pakistan
MS Iqbal, FM Shaikh, DB Mahmood, K Shafiq
Asian Social Science 6 (11), 123-140, 2010
Organizational justice and job satisfaction in banking sector of Pakistan (A study of Faisalabad)
M Kashif, B Mahmood, S Aijaz
Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and …, 2016
Exploring socio-economic factors behind domestic violence against women in Sargodha district
Z Azhar, MM Sohail, G Yasin, B Mahmood, SK Mushtaq
International journal of Asian social science 2 (9), 1617-1626, 2012
Social factors hindering political participation in Pakistan: A review article
B Mahmood, MM Sohail, SK Mushtaq, SA Rizvi
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5 (23), 1933, 2014
Infant health care: Practices in Pakistan: A systematic review
M Asim, B Mahmood, MM Sohail
The Professional Medical Journal 22 (08), 978-988, 2015
Exploring the motivation and barriers in way of Pakistani female entrepreneurs
B Mahmood, S Khalid, M Muhammad Sohail, I Babak
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 2 (4), 353-368, 2012
Mental health issues in young adults of Pakistan: The relationship of narcissism and self-esteem with aggression
M Anwar
Journal of Behavioural Sciences 26 (2), 135, 2016
Perceived effects of MBA degree on skills development and career advancement: The case of Pakistan
A Saba, B Mahmood, A Khalid, S Aslam
International Journal of Business and Management 6 (7), 207, 2011
Pay benefits and workplace milieu effecting job satisfaction level of university teachers: A case study of Punjab University
A Nisar, MI Zafar, B Mahmood, MM Sohail, F Sher, MR Safdar
International Journal of Asian Social Science 2 (10), 1815-1831, 2012
Perception of organizational politics leads to job stress: an evidence from banking sector of Pakistan
MU Azeem, B Mahmood, IU Haq, I Sharif, TM Qurashi, ST Hijazi
European Journal of Social Sciences 18 (2), 196-202, 2010
Work-life integration: experiences of mid-career professional working mothers in context of Faisalabad, Pakistan
A Afzal, R Zahra, B Mahmood, S Hussain
European Journal of Social Sciences 18 (1), 130-146, 2010
Textile industry socializing, economic gains and capital structure: A case study of Faisalabad, Pakistan
B Mahmood, MS Iqbal, MJ Zafar, B Khalid
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci 7 (9), 1-7, 2017
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