Magdalena Bekk
Magdalena Bekk
Seeburg Castle University
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Gameful Experience in Gamification: Construction and Validation of a Gameful Experience Scale [GAMEX]
R Eppmann, M Bekk, K Klein
Journal of Interactive Marketing 43, 98-115, 2018
Greening the competitive advantage: antecedents and consequences of green brand equity
M Bekk, M Spörrle, R Hedjasie, R Kerschreiter
Quality & Quantity 50 (4), 1727-1746, 2016
The benefits of similarity between tourist and destination personality
M Bekk, M Spörrle, J Kruse
Journal of Travel Research 55 (8), 1008-1021, 2016
Support for quotas for women in leadership: The influence of gender stereotypes
S Mölders, P Brosi, M Bekk, M Spörrle, IM Welpe
Human Resource Management 57 (4), 869-882, 2018
Meta-analytic guidelines for evaluating single-item reliabilities of personality instruments
M Spörrle, M Bekk
Assessment 21 (3), 272-285, 2014
The influence of perceived personality characteristics on positive attitude towards and suitability of a celebrity as a marketing campaign endorser
M Bekk, M Spörrle
Open Psychology Journal 3, 54-66, 2010
Acculturation of Erasmus students: Using the multidimensional individual difference acculturation model framework
R Berger, S Safdar, E Spieß, M Bekk, A Font
International Journal of Psychology 54 (6), 739-749, 2019
Traits grow important with increasing age: customer age, brand personality and loyalty
M Bekk, M Spörrle, M Landes, K Moser
Journal of Business Economics 87 (4), 511-531, 2017
All that glitters is not gold: An investigation into the undesired effects of gamification and how to mitigate them through gamification design
M Bekk, R Eppmann, K Klein, F Völckner
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2022
What is not beautiful should match: how attractiveness similarity affects consumer responses to advertising
M Bekk, M Spörrle, F Völckner, E Spieß, R Woschée
Marketing Letters 28 (4), 509-522, 2017
Nachhaltiges Konsumentenverhalten
M Spörrle, M Bekk
Wirtschaftspsychologie, 285-302, 2015
WTG (Way to go)! How to take gamification research in marketing to the next level
R Eppmann, K Klein, M Bekk
Marketing: ZFP–Journal of Research and Management 40 (4), 44-52, 2018
Auch in Zukunft nicht nur eine Frage der Person: Persönlichkeitskonzepte im organisationalen Führungskontext
M Bekk, M Spörrle
Die Zukunft der Führung, 453-472, 2012
Auch in Zukunft nicht nur eine Frage der Person: Persönlichkeitskonzepte im organisationalen Führungskontext
M Bekk, M Spörrle
Die Zukunft der Führung, 453-472, 2012
Facetten der Kongruenz: Persönlichkeitsbasierte Ähnlichkeit von Marke und Testimonial als Determinanten wahrgenommener Passung und Kaufwahrscheinlichkeit
M Spörrle, M Bekk, G Felser
Marketing: Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis, 180-194, 2010
Criterion validity of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB) with respect to anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction
M Strobel, M Bekk, M Spörrle
International Journal of Psychology, 336, 2008
Match me, if you can–Zum Einfluss von persönlichkeitsbasierter Ähnlichkeit zwischen Marke und Testimonial auf die wahrgenommene Passung und die Kaufwahrscheinlichkeit
M Bekk, M Spörrle, G Felser
Pabst Science Publishers, 2009
Do You Like Being Labeled a 60-Plus? How Retirees Develop Group Identification and Evaluate Age-Related Labels
F Wolf, M Bekk, P Sandner, IM Welpe
Marketing: ZFP–Journal of Research and Management 37 (2), 79-89, 2015
Mother earth is calling! Gender dimensions of brand personality as incrementally predictive indicators of green brand image and the moderating influence of green value orientation
C Hohenberger, M Bekk, M Spörrle
NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings, 2011
Gutes Image, hohe Loyalität? Zum Einfluss der Markenpersönlichkeit auf Markenloyalität
V Skatulla, M Bekk, M Spörrle
Pabst Science Publishers, 2009
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