Julia Karagicheva
Julia Karagicheva
在 uva.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Light‐level geolocator analyses: A user's guide
S Lisovski, S Bauer, M Briedis, SC Davidson, KL Dhanjal‐Adams, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (1), 221-236, 2020
Timing avian long-distance migration: from internal clock mechanisms to global flights
S Åkesson, M Ilieva, J Karagicheva, E Rakhimberdiev, B Tomotani, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Fuelling conditions at staging sites can mitigate Arctic warming effects in a migratory bird
E Rakhimberdiev, S Duijns, J Karagicheva, CJ Camphuysen, A Dekinga, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 4263, 2018
FLightR: an r package for reconstructing animal paths from solar geolocation loggers
E Rakhimberdiev, A Saveliev, T Piersma, J Karagicheva
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (11), 1482-1487, 2017
A global population redistribution in a migrant shorebird detected with continent‐wide qualitative breeding survey data
E Rakhimberdiev, YI Verkuil, AA Saveliev, RA Väisänen, J Karagicheva, ...
Diversity and Distributions 17 (1), 144-151, 2011
Seasonal time keeping in a long-distance migrating shorebird
J Karagicheva, E Rakhimberdiev, A Dekinga, M Brugge, A Koolhaas, ...
Journal of Biological Rhythms 31 (5), 509-521, 2016
Individual inter‐annual nest‐site relocation behaviour drives dynamics of a recently established Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis colony in sub‐arctic Russia
J Karagicheva, E Rakhimberdiev, D Dobrynin, A Saveliev, S Rozenfeld, ...
Ibis 153 (3), 622-626, 2011
When a typical jumper skips: itineraries and staging habitats used by Red Knots (Calidris canutus piersmai) migrating between northwest Australia and the New …
T Piersma, EMA Kok, CJ Hassell, HB Peng, YI Verkuil, G Lei, ...
Ibis 163 (4), 1235-1251, 2021
Annual chronotypes functionally link life histories and life cycles in birds
J Karagicheva, E Rakhimberdiev, A Saveliev, T Piersma
Functional Ecology 32 (10), 2369-2379, 2018
Naïve migrants and the use of magnetic cues: temporal fluctuations in the geomagnetic field differentially affect male and female Ruff Philomachus pugnax during …
E Rakhimberdiev, J Karagicheva, K Jaatinen, DW Winkler, JB Phillips, ...
Ibis 156 (4), 864-869, 2014
Differences in size between first and replacement clutches match the seasonal decline in single clutches in Tree Swallows Tachycineta bicolor
J Karagicheva, M Liebers, E Rakhimberdiev, KK Hallinger, A Saveliev, ...
Ibis 158 (3), 607-613, 2016
Food abundance at refuelling sites can mitigate Arctic warming effects on a migratory bird
E Rakhimberdiev, S Duijns, J Karagicheva, CJ Camphuysen, ...
Nature Communications 9, 4263, 2018
Misidentification errors in reencounters result in biased estimates of survival probability from CJS models: Evidence and a solution using the robust design
E Rakhimberdiev, J Karagicheva, A Saveliev, AHJ Loonstra, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13 (5), 1106-1118, 2022
The need to account for Argos Doppler errors when estimating habitat use from Argos Doppler locations: evidence and solution
J Karagicheva, J Linscott, T Piersma, JCEW Hooijmeijer, RA Howison, ...
Why time is relative for birds
J Karagicheva
Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting 2019, 2019
文章 1–15