Min Ju
Min Ju
Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Missouri-St. Louis
在 umsl.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Behind organizational slack and firm performance in China: The moderating roles of ownership and competitive intensity
M Ju, H Zhao
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 26 (4), 701-717, 2009
Role hazard between supply chain partners in an institutionally fragmented market
MC Dong, M Ju, Y Fang
Journal of Operations Management 46, 5-18, 2016
The boundary conditions of export relational governance: A “strategy tripod” perspective
M Ju, H Zhao, T Wang
Journal of International Marketing 22 (2), 89-106, 2014
Technological capability growth and performance outcome: Foreign versus local firms in China
M Ju, KZ Zhou, GY Gao, J Lu
Journal of International Marketing 21 (2), 1-16, 2013
Reducing distributor opportunism in the export market: Effects of monitoring mechanisms, norm-based information exchange, and market orientation
M Ju, JY Murray, M Kotabe, GY Gao
Journal of world business 46 (4), 487-496, 2011
Foreign market entry timing revisited: Trade-off between market share performance and firm survival
JY Murray, M Ju, GY Gao
Journal of International Marketing 20 (3), 50-64, 2012
How can international ventures utilize marketing capability in emerging markets? Its contingent effect on new product development
M Ju, JL Jin, KZ Zhou
Journal of International Marketing 26 (4), 1-17, 2018
Relational governance and control mechanisms of export ventures: an examination across relationship length
M Ju, GY Gao
Journal of International Marketing 25 (2), 72-87, 2017
Concurrent sourcing strategy of multinational firms in China: Drivers and performance implications
M Ju, JY Murray, GY Gao, M Kotabe
Journal of World Business 54 (6), 101015, 2019
Export relational governance and control mechanisms: Substitutable and complementary effects
DL Yang, M Ju, GY Gao
International Marketing Review 32 (6), 627-645, 2015
Firm capabilities and performance: Institutional perspective on foreign and local firms in China
M Ju, HG Fung, H Mano
Chinese economy 46 (5), 86-104, 2013
Antecedents of organizational ambidexterity: an empirical investigation of foreign ventures in an emerging market
M Ju, MT Elliott
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 39 (2), 350-365, 2024
Performance implication of exploration and exploitation in foreign markets: the role of marketing capability and operation flexibility
M Ju, GY Gao
International Marketing Review 39 (4), 785-810, 2022
Deferred Executive Compensation Policies in Chinese State‐owned Enterprises
M Ju
China & World Economy 15 (4), 102-117, 2007
Organizational Ambidexterity and Its Performance Implication of Foreign Ventures in an Emerging Market
M Ju
Journal of Global Marketing 35 (5), 408-426, 2022
Moving Forward by Looking Back: How Family Firms Enhance Performance by Embracing Their History
A Goldman, M Ju
Available at SSRN 4567448, 2023
Bi-Directional Technology Spillovers between Foreign and Local Firms: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Economy
GY Gao, YA Li, M Ju
Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 2012
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