A survey of device to device and cooperative communication for the future cellular networks PK Malik, DS Wadhwa, JS Khinda International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Springer 27 (3), 411–432, 2020 | 101 | 2020 |
Performance comparison of single and multipath routing protocols in ad hoc networks EDS Wadhwa, ETS Panag Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl.,(IJCTA), Vol2, 1486-1496, 2011 | 27 | 2011 |
Speech feature extraction and recognition using genetic algorithm H Gupta, DS Wadhwa International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4 (1 …, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
Effects of jelly fish attack on mobile ad-hoc network’s routing protocols A Kaur, DS Wadhwa Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA) 3 (5), 1694-1700, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
High gain antenna for n260-& n261-bands and augmentation in bandwidth for mm-wave range by patch current diversions DS Wadhwa, PK Malik, JS Khinda World Journal of Engineering 19 (5), 689-696, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Improvement in 5 dBi Gain-Bandwidth of Wide Band Antenna for Indoor K–, Ka–Band, Millimeter-Wave Applications DS Wadhwa, PK Malik, JS Khinda Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Springer., 1-23, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
mm-Wave Patch Antenna for High Data Rate Communication Applications DS Wadhwa, PK Malik, JS Khinda IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent …, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Energy enhancement of TORA and DYMO by optimization of hello messaging using BFO for MANETs N Kaur, DS Wadhwa, PK Malik Proceedings of First International Conference on Computing, Communications …, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Simulative analysis of local area network using WiMAX V Singh, DS Wadhwa, MK Rai IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems (ICICS …, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Performance comparison of single and multipath routing protocols in adhoc networks. Department of Electronics and Communication Engg., BGIET DS Wadhwa, ETS Panag Sangrur International. Journal of Computer Technology, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
Implementation and Comparison using NS2 of Flat and Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks by using Multihop and Gossiping Protocols G Singh, DS Wadhwa, S Kaushal ICAET -2016, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Polarization Mode Dispersion System LMS Algorithm Based on Feed-Forward Compensation System Balance EM Jangal, EDS Wadhwa International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 4 (4 …, 2015 | 1* | 2015 |
Design of Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth and Gain for mm-Wave Applications DS Wadhwa, JS Khinda, PK Malik IN Patent App. 202,011,048,700, 2021 | | 2021 |
Implementation of Improved TOPSIS Method for Congestion Control in WSN Diksha, DS Wadhwa International Journal of Intelligent Communication, Computing and Networks 1 …, 2021 | | 2021 |
Segmentation for thyroid nodule in ultrasound images using fuzzy histogram and feed forward neural networks M Kaur, D Singh, MK Rai International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 9 (41), 237-242, 2016 | | 2016 |
Improving Performance of Wireless Sensor Networks Using LEGAC D Singh, DS Wadhwa International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology …, 2016 | | 2016 |
A Review of an Adaptive on-Demand Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks N Kaur, D Singh IJCA Proceedings on International Conference on Advancements in Engineering …, 2015 | | 2015 |
Review of Segmentation of Thyroid Gland in Ultrasound Image using Neural Network M Kaur, D Singh IJCA Proceedings on International Conference on Advancements in Engineering …, 2015 | | 2015 |
Performance Evaluation of different protocols under blackhole and wormhole attacks. G Singh, DS Wadhwa International Journal of science and research 4 (4), 1311 -1315, 2015 | | 2015 |
Advanced Image compression and decompression method using 3 – D matrix function parameter S Singh, DS Wadhwa International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Engineering., 40-45, 2013 | | 2013 |