Nur Asmiza Selamat
Development of PID Controller for Controlling Desired Level of Coupled Tank System
HI Jaafar, SYS Hussien, NA Selamat, MSM Aras, MZA Rashid
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 3 …, 2014
Comparison of LQR and PID controller tuning using PSO for Coupled Tank System
NA Selamat, FS Daud, HI Jaafar, NH Shamsudin
2015 IEEE 11th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its …, 2015
Automatic food intake monitoring based on chewing activity: A survey
NA Selamat, SHM Ali
IEEE Access 8, 48846-48869, 2020
Optimal performance of a nonlinear gantry crane system via priority-based fitness scheme in binary PSO algorithm
HI Jaafar, NM Ali, Z Mohamed, NA Selamat, AFZ Abidin, JJ Jamian, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 53 (1), 012011, 2013
Particle Swarm Optimization for Multivariable PID Controller Tuning
NA Selamat, NA Wahab, S Sahlan
Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA), 170-175, 2013
Analysis of transient response for coupled tank system via conventional and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) techniques
HI Jaafar, SYS Hussien, NA Selamat, MNM Nasir, MH Jali
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 6 (5), 2002-2007, 2014
Multivariable PID controller design tuning using bat algorithm for activated sludge process
NA Nor’Azlan, NA Selamat, NM Yahya
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 342 (1), 012030, 2018
Nickel-cadmium battery analysis using spectrogram
R Kasim, AR Abdullah, NA Selamat, M Basir, MZ Ramli
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 11 (6), 3975, 2016
PID control tuning via particle swarm optimization for coupled tank system
SYS Hussien, HI Jaafar, NA Selamat, FS Daud, AFZ Abidin
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) 4 (2), 202-206, 2014
A novel approach of chewing detection based on temporalis muscle movement using proximity sensor for diet monitoring
NA Selamat, SHM Ali
2020 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 12-17, 2021
Battery parameters identification analysis using periodogram
R Kasim, AR Abdullah, NA Selamat, MF Baharom, N Ahmad
Applied Mechanics and Materials 785, 687-691, 2015
Performance of PID Controller Tuning based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Firefly Algorithm
N.A. Selamat, T.O. Ramih, A.R. Abdullah, M.S. Karis
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (3S2), 225-230, 2019
Fruit sorting based on machine vision technique
MS Karis, WHM Saad, NM Ali, KC We, NRA Razif, A Selamat, AFZ Abidin, ...
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 8 …, 2016
PSO-tuned PID controller for coupled tank system via priority-based fitness scheme
HI Jaafar, SYS Hussien, NA Selamat, AFZ Abidin, MSM Aras, MNM Nasir, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1660 (1), 2015
Lithium-ion battery parameter analysis using spectrogram
R Kasim, AR Abdullah, NA Selamat, N Bahari, MZ Ramli
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 9 (12), 76-80, 2015
A novel peak detection algorithm using particle swarm optimization for chew count estimation of a contactless chewing detection
NA Selamat, SHM Ali, KNB Minhad, SA Ahmad, J Sampe
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-12, 2022
Analysis of Chewing Signals Based on Chewing Detection Using Proximity Sensor for Diet Monitoring
NA Selamat, SHM Ali
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020) Workshops 12665 …, 2021
Lead Acid Battery Analysis Using Spectogram
R Kasim, AR Abdullah, NA Selamat, NA Abidullah, TNST Zawawi
Applied Mechanics and Materials 785, 692-696, 2015
A review of chewing detection for automated dietary monitoring
KJAOSBS Yanxin Wei, Khairun Nisa’ Minhad, Nur Asmiza Selamat, Sawal Hamid Md ...
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 12, 2022
Feature Selection Analysis of Chewing Activity Based on Contactless Food Intake Detection
Nur Asmiza Selamat, Sawal Hamid Md Ali, Khairun Nisa' Minhad, Jahariah Sampe
The International Journal of Integrated Engineering 13 (5), 38-48, 2021
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