Leonardo Borlini
Leonardo Borlini
Associate Professor of International Law, University Bocconi
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International anti‐money laundering programs: Empirical assessment and issues in criminal regulation
M Arnone, L Borlini
Journal of Money Laundering Control 13 (3), 226-271, 2010
Corruption: Economic analysis and international law
M Arnone, LS Borlini
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014
The Evolution of the EU Law against Criminal Finance: The Hardening of FATF Standard within the EU
L Borlini, F Montanaro
Geo. J. Int'l L. 48 (5), 1009-1062, 2017
When the Leviathan goes to the market: A critical evaluation of the rules governing state-owned enterprises in trade agreements
L Borlini
Leiden Journal of International Law 33 (2), 313-334, 2020
Regulating Criminal Finance in the EU in the Light of the International Instruments
L Borlini
Yearbook of European Law 36, 553-598, 2017
Deepening international systems of subsidy control: the (different) legal regimes of subsidies in the EU bilateral preferential trade agreements
L Borlini, C Dordi
Colum. J. Eur. L. 23, 551, 2016
La lotta alla corruzione internazionale dall'ambito OCSE alla dimensione ONU
LBP Magrini
Diritto del commercio internazionale: pratica internazionale e diritto 21 (1 …, 2007
The Legal Status of Decisions by Human Rights Treaty Bodies: Authoritative Interpretations or mission éducatrice?
LS Borlini, L Crema
Forthcoming 18 (1), 2019
Issues of the international criminal regulation of money laundering in the context of economic globalization
LS Borlini
Paolo Baffi Centre Research Paper, 2008
The Security Council and Non-State Domestic Actors: Changes in Non-Forcible Measures between International Lawmaking and Peacebuilding
L Borlini
Va. J. Int'l L. 61, 489, 2020
International Asset Recovery: Origins, evolution and current challenges
LS Borlini, G Nessi
Baffi Center Research Paper, 2014
The economics of money laundering
L Borlini
P. Reichel, J. Albanese (eds.), Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice …, 2014
Corporate compliance and privatization of law enforcement. A study of the Italian legislation in the light of the US experience
S Lonati, LS Borlini
Negotiated Settlements in Bribery Cases, 280-308, 2020
A crisis looming in the dark: Some remarks on the reform proposals on notifications and transparency
LS Borlini
QIL, Zoom-out 63, 2019
Defining elements and emerging legal issues of EU “sanctions”
L Borlini, S Silingardi
The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online 27 (1), 33-52, 2018
Il valore delle pronunce del Comitato europeo dei diritti sociali ai fini dell’interpretazione della Carta sociale europea nel diritto internazionale
L Borlini, L Crema
Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali. La normativa italiana sui licenziamenti …, 2018
Systemic changes in the politicization of the international trade relations and the decline of the multilateral trading system
G Sacerdoti, L Borlini
German Law Journal 24 (1), 17-44, 2023
Climate change and trade: challenges and lingering questions on the relationship between renewable energy subsidies and WTO disciplines
LS Borlini, F Montanaro
China-EU Law Journal 6, 81-101, 2018
The North Korea’s gauntlet, international law and the new sanctions imposed by the Security Council
L Borlini
The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online 26 (1), 319-345, 2017
Soft law, soft organizations e regolamentazione ‘tecnica’di problemi di sicurezza pubblica e integrità finanziaria
L Borlini
Rivista di diritto internazionale 100 (2), 356-406, 2017
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