Sunho Park(박선호)
Sunho Park(박선호)
Korea Maritime and Ocean University
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Computational methods for performance analysis of horizontal axis tidal stream turbines
JH Lee, S Park, DH Kim, SH Rhee, MC Kim
Applied Energy, 2012
Computational analysis of turbulent super-cavitating flow around a two-dimensional wedge-shaped cavitator geometry
S Park, SH Rhee
Computers & Fluids 70, 73-85, 2012
Full scale wake prediction of an energy saving device by using computational fluid dynamics
S Park, G Oh, SH Rhee, BY Koo, H Lee
Ocean Engineering 101, 254-263, 2015
Investigation on the wall function implementation for the prediction of ship resistance
S Park, SW Park, SH Rhee, SB Lee, JE Choi, SH Kang
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 5 (1), 33-46, 2013
Influence of blade deformation and yawed inflow on performance of a horizontal axis tidal stream turbine
S Park, S Park, SH Rhee
Renewable Energy 92, 321-332, 2016
Effect of wave periods on added resistance and motions of a ship in head sea simulations
S Seo, S Park, BY Koo
Ocean Engineering 137, 309-327, 2017
Numerical analysis of the three-dimensional cloud cavitating flow around a twisted hydrofoil
S Park, SH Rhee
Fluid Dynamics Research 45 (1), 015502, 2012
Comparative study of incompressible and isothermal compressible flow solvers for cavitating flow dynamics
S Park, SH Rhee
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 29 (8), 3287-3296, 2015
Computational analysis of ship’s exhaust-gas flow and its application for antenna location
S Park, J Heo, BS Yu, SH Rhee
Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (10), 1689-1702, 2011
Investigation for the characteristics of cavitation modeling for computational fluid dynamics
SH Park, SH Rhee
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea 47 (5), 657-669, 2010
Investigation for the characteristics of cavitation modeling for computational fluid dynamics
SH Park, SH Rhee
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea 47 (5), 657-669, 2010
Numerical simulations of added resistance and motions of KCS in regular head waves
S Seo, S Park
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea 54 (2), 132-142, 2017
Coupled level-set and volume of fluid (CLSVOF) solver for air lubrication method of a flat plate
H Kim, S Park
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (02), 231, 2021
Parametric study on ship’s exhaust-gas behavior using computational fluid dynamics
S Park, J Yang, SH Rhee
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 11 (1), 159-171, 2017
Cavitation observation and visualization of the gap flows on a rudder influenced by propeller slipstream and hull wakes
BG Paik, KY Kim, JW Ahn, SH Park, JK Heo, BS Yu
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea 45 (3), 238-246, 2008
Influence of propeller wake sheet on rudder gap flow and gap cavitation
BG Paik, KY Kim, KS Kim, S Park, J Heo, BS Yu
Ocean Engineering 37 (16), 1418-1427, 2010
Prediction of ice loads on Korean IBRV ARAON with 6-DOF inertial measurement system during trials of Chukchi and East Siberian Seas
SC Lee, S Park, K Choi, SY Jeong
Ocean Engineering 151, 23-32, 2018
Numerical Analysis of Super-cavitating flow around two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies
SH Park, SH Rhee
Journal of computational fluids engineering 16 (1), 14-21, 2011
Unresolved CFD and DEM Coupled Simulations on Scour around a Subsea Pipeline
S Song, S Park
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (5), 556, 2022
Platform Motions and Mooring System Coupled Solver for a Moored Floating Platform in a Wave
SC Lee, S Song, S Park
Processes 9 (8), 1393, 2021
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